Monday Morning Minute

Townhall Media

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



ABC's Stephanopoulos Loses His Crap When Rep. Donalds Refuses to Back Off on Kamala's 'Blackness'

You may want to lean back a bit while watching this as the former Clinton White House muppet slings droplets of saliva around like beads at a Mardi Gras parade.

World Markets Melting Down Over Fear About US Economic Issues and Recession

Meanwhile, we have the decrepit Joe Biden in office and on his continual vacation, while Kamala Harris is trying to blame things on Trump. It's one more example that they have no idea what they are doing. 

Hilarious Post by Dems' Account Raises Questions About Who They Really Want As Nominee

Is someone trying to make a point, picking this picture when there certainly have to be a boatload of other pictures they could pick of Harris?


Today on Capitol Hill...

The next few weeks should (in theory) be quiet on the Hill as the Congress critters take their August recess. Congrats to Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who took advantage of the time off to marry Mindy Noce. And congrats to Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), who had George Stephanopoulos's breakfast and lunch on ABC News' "This Week" on Sunday — delivering a master class in how not to take the bait. (Someone should probably check on George to make sure he's okay after that; he seemed very undone.) 


White House What's Up

Hopefully, President Joe Biden got lots of rest over the weekend in Wilmington because he may need to do some presidenting Monday. He does have a well-publicized phone call set with Jordan's King Abdullah II for late morning. Surely, that will rattle the mullahs' cages? If not, he's set to powwow with his national security team in the Sit Room regarding "developments in the Middle East" upon his return to D.C. Monday afternoon. 

Full Court Press...

Hunter Biden's sentencing date for his Delaware conviction on gun charges is now set. The First Son will learn his fate (in relation to that matter) on November 13. Meanwhile, things are amping up in his California tax case ahead of its September trial. 

Expect a flurry of activity in the D.C. District Court, as well, as former President Donald Trump's 2020 election case has gained new life on remand from the Supreme Court/Circuit Court of Appeals.


Insomnia: It's not for sissies, man. I used to really struggle with it. Got to the point where I took medication for it because the lack of sleep was taking its toll. Have not had near the issue with it for the past decade, thankfully, but I still have those nights — particularly Sunday nights, though last night started out just fine. I drifted off to sleep quickly and was sleeping soundly until about 1:00 a.m. Then I woke up and made the dreaded mistake: I looked at my phone. (I'm not exactly a rookie — you'd think I'd know better.) News alerts were grim, and I wound up doom-scrolling for several hours before I was finally able to catch a few more zzzs. Sharing this as a PSA: Remember not to look at your phone if you do happen to wake up in the middle of the night. Save yourself!



Miss those days...


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