
Troubling Survey: Most Americans Know Precious Little About Their Constitutional Rights

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Given the growing threat of radicalism on the left, it's critical that freedom-loving Americans understand their constitutional rights. From freedom of speech to the right to bear arms to the right to a fair trial, it's never been more crucial. Yet, a recent survey produced troubling results.

An online survey of 1,590 adults, conducted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, found that just 39 percent of respondents knew that the First Amendment protects freedom of religion, and only 29 percent knew it also guarantees freedom of the press.

This year's annual survey continued to show a downward trend in civics knowledge and trust in U.S. institutions.

One question read

As you may know, the First Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution. Can you name any of the specific rights that are guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution, or not?

While 74 percent of respondents could name freedom of speech, only 27 percent could name the right to assemble, and a scant 11 percent knew about their right to petition the government. 

Based on the disturbing results of the survey, Paul Brace, a political scientist at Rice University, warned

If people don’t appreciate their rights or the Constitution and institutions that protect them, the conditions seem ripe for democratic failure.

And, again, given the Democrat Party's never-ending efforts to curtail freedom of speech, increase censorship of views they oppose, and attempt to take away or limit the rights of law-abiding gun owners, it behooves patriotic Americans to be up to speed on their constitutional rights, now more than at any time in at least modern history.


'Little Piece of Paper': Human Rights Commission Prez,
Other Leftists Call for Repeal of Constitution

Kamala Harris Supports Constitution-Defying Limits on Supreme Court Justices

Jamie Raskin Latest Democrat to Assault the Constitution,
Says Electoral College 'Can Get You Killed'

Given just the above three articles, is there any doubt about whether freedom-loving Americans should be well aware of their constitutional rights? 

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania and the survey, said "Civics knowledge matters," adding:

Those who do not understand the rights protected by the Constitution can neither cherish nor invoke them; those who do not know which party controls the House and Senate may misattribute credit or blame for action or inaction.

In addition, and I'll go bottom-line, those who are clueless might be more inclined to believe hopelessly biased media propaganda, nonsense they read on social media, or dishonest politicians and propagandists.

Constitutional Law Professor Josh Blackman was actually saddened by the survey results. 

It is very sad that so many Americans know so little about their government. Moreover, when people opine on particular issues, such as reform of the Court, they largely lack the knowledge to assess the pros and cons of such proposals.

And it doesn't end there. 

From basic tax knowledge to ownership rights to voting rights, it appears that a growing percentage of the population is not only woefully unaware; many of them don't seem to care, which leads us to the late comedian George Carlin's admonition: 

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

A bit harsh? Perhaps. Then again, just look around.

Finally, James Grossman, executive director of the American Historical Association, said of the findings:

History and civics need more time in the curriculum. History and civics teachers need professional development that will enable them to stay current in their fields.

I couldn't agree more. 

Yet, as I reported earlier on Monday in a quintessential example of the decline in public education, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will embrace the “enjoyment of education” over standardized testing in the 2025-26 school year. The LAUSD voted 4-3 last Tuesday in favor of a resolution to allow ten schools to opt out of standardized tests and test preparation. Any doubts that ten schools are just the beginning? 


LA School District Allows Schools to Drop Standardized Testing,
Embrace 'Educational Enjoyment'

What could possibly go wrong? Other than the affected students falling even further behind, of course.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Constitution matters — now more than ever.


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