
Memo to David Muir: I Can't Go to My Local Shopping Center Because People Keep Getting Killed There

AP Photo/ABC, Lorenzo Bevilaqua

As we’ve reported extensively, the recent presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was a 3-on-1 contest, with moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis in one corner alongside Harris and Donald Trump in the other, fending for himself. Muir especially was a disgrace, constantly interrupting the former president and fact-checking him in real-time—often falsely.

One of those moments made me want to throw my shoe at the TV. Trump was talking about crime, and Muir unceremoniously injected himself into the conversation to say, “President Trump, as you know, the FBI says, overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.”

Not only was the interruption rude and putting the thumb on the scale, but it was misleading—or just outright wrong—take your pick. (I choose the latter.)


Here’s some reality, David:

I couldn’t help but think of Muir as I was awakened Monday morning by the sound of helicopters. “The soundtrack of Los Angeles,” I tell visitors. I keep my office door open, because one of the few benefits left in SoCal is the beauty and the climate, and I’m fortunate to have my door open up onto a lovely yard (even if they want to take it away from me), and all morning my writing was accompanied by the “soothing” sound of whirring choppers—some of them directly over my house. 

Like any big city, LA has its fair of traffic helicopters and news whirlies buzzing about, but this seemed excessive. It went on and on, and it was hard to concentrate. Luckily, I have the Citizen app, and lo and behold, I discovered that two people were dead in a murder and subsequent officer-involved shooting a mere .6 miles away from my abode.

Now do I live in some war-torn neighborhood where violence is to be expected? Am I in Gaza, or in the 1970s South Bronx? No, I live in Los Angeles County’s San Fernando Valley, the one-time home of the “Brady Bunch,” “Encino Man,” and Frank and Moon Zappa’s “Valley Girl,” once considered a paradise for families to raise their children.

This shopping center has a Target, a Ross, and a Burlington Coat Factory. And it was at the latter that there was another bloody death there not so long ago. A 14-year-old girl was tragically, though accidentally, shot by an LAPD officer who was dealing with a rampaging madman, who was attacking customers with a tire chain:

Statistics aren’t everything, David Muir—especially your false ones—and the people know what they’re seeing. Perception is reality too.

I write about it regularly because it’s happening right in front of our very eyes, and the corrupt lamestream media would have you believe that everything’s fine.

Nothing to see here, folks:

I Write About Lawlessness in America Because It's Happening Right Outside My Front Door

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I can tell you personally that we’re not making it up: someone I know nearby recently had to shoot a home invader who put his family at risk. Meanwhile, a man outside my house asked the other day if my Ring camera caught the thieves who stole his catalytic converter in the middle of the night (it didn’t; I’m going to get another one and put it closer to the street). 

Last year, my daughter’s car was stolen, right out front of our home; it was found a month later, with the thief living in it outside SoFi Stadium (nowhere near where I live). It was then stolen a second time in Hollywood; the insurance company totaled it this time because it had been trashed, and she was broken-hearted because she loved it (and had customized it with a Scooby Doo theme).

This is the America that progressives want for my kids. For yours. 

Many argue that voting in Donald Trump and getting rid of the disastrous Biden-Harris regime will solve this plague, but it’s more complex than that. The real problem is the soft-on-crime, criminal-coddling George Soros-backed district attorneys like George Gascón who keep letting violent felons out on the streets in cities all across the fruited plain. It’s also the progressive governors, mayors, and local officials who happily go along with it. Until we get rid of them, it’s going to continue.

The real problem: Unrepentant: George Soros Vows to Continue Backing Woke Prosecutors Despite the Lives They’ve Ruined VIP

“Move,” many will say, “just get out of there, and everything will be fine.” Move where—Aurora, CO? Springfield, OH? My hometown of Chicago, or my longtime residence, Manhattan? No thanks. “Florida,” you might say. I hear you, but there’s getting to be fewer and fewer such places left, and one of the reasons states like California have become so nuts is because conservatives have left in droves, leaving the place in the hands of extremists. If nobody fights back, they win by default. Besides, who can afford to move with Biden’s mortgage rates?

Good for the self-satisfied partisan hack David Muir—who reportedly makes between $5-7 million a year—that he feels safe in his $7 million dollar home on Skaneateles Lake, New York, but for many other Americans, that’s not their reality.

For the smooth-talking, gaslighting anchor to try to tell us what we’re experiencing isn’t real because of his false statistics, and to attempt to affect a presidential election, is disgusting. Interestingly, maybe his viewers have caught on, seeing that his numbers have plummeted sharply since the debate.

As we say regularly here at the Good Ship RedState, “You can’t hate the media enough.”

My oh my, the times have changed:


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