RedState Celebrates 20 Years of Success and Impact

RedState 20th Anniversary. (Credit: Townhall Media)

RedState's 20 years of breaking news, readership growth, and increasing political impact is a testament to the relentless hard work of its writers, editors, voices, and increasing numbers of loyal readers.  


All the way from its birth during the glory days of blogs and the democratization of political analysis to growing into a formidable news operation with columnists and reporters across the nation, the writers and editors at RedState have adapted to every twist and turn of the last 20 years in media. They took advantage of social media during the boom and fought through when big tech pulled the rug — finding a way to grow. Twenty years later, RedState is shoulder to shoulder equals with conservative news operations that are older or subsidized or funded by billionaires.  

Congratulations on 20 years of success and impact to Jennifer, Susie, and everyone at RedState — past and present.

THANK YOU to every reader who has read, commented on, and shared an article with friends and allies. RedState has grown because of you. 


And a special thank you to all the readers who have stepped up to support RedState's important journalism. Fighting the legal, technical, and liberal attacks on our very right to bring you the news you want is not easy and it would not be possible without the support of our VIP subscribers. Holding the White House, Democrats, and weak-kneed Republicans accountable when they're all trying to shut you down is exhausting.  Knowing that you have our back is all the motivation the writers have to charge ahead. 

Jonathan Garthwaite is the Senior Vice President and Publisher of Townhall Media.


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