Gavin Newsom Wants to Blame His Family's Quarantine on Exposure From CHP Officer, but There's Another Reason

When California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-15kWineBill) tweeted late Sunday night that his family was quarantining after a member of his security detail (provided by the California Highway Patrol) had tested positive for coronavirus, Californians were justifiably ticked that Newsom seemed to cast the CHP officer (who is likely woefully underpaid) in a bad light by saying that the family had learned that three of their children had been “exposed” to the infected officer instead of leading with even an ounce of concern for the person who puts their life on the line each and every day to protect this cretin.


It didn’t help that Newsom admitted that he learned about the officer’s positive test result on Friday, November 20, two weeks to the day from the time he attended the now-infamous French Laundry birthday soiree for his longtime friend (whose name I now refuse to write, to rob him of any publicity), with up to 20 other attendees, none of them wearing masks, in an indoor setting. Timing’s a little, uh, bad, wouldn’t you say?

Now it turns out that Newsom’s entire family is quarantining at their Fair Oaks estate* (complete with wine cave, tennis court, and set on multiple gated acres along the American River outside of Sacramento) until December 5 for an additional reason: a classmate of one of the Newsom’s children tested positive sometime before November 13, calling Mr. and Mrs. Newsom’s Napa outing further into question.

Politico’s Carla Marinucci broke the news very late Friday night (11:30 Eastern) that one of Newsom’s children had been exposed to coronavirus and had been in a 14-day quarantine since being exposed at his private school:

“The family has taken the potential exposure seriously and is following all state protocols,” Click said. “After being alerted by the school that a classmate tested positive for COVID-19, the potentially exposed Newsom child began a 14-day quarantine from the date of exposure in accordance with state public health guidance for schools.”

“The Newsom child was tested twice [5 days and 7 days past their last contact with the COVID-19 positive student],” Click said. “In addition, each of the Newsom children were also tested on Day 5.”


So if this child was tested at Day 5 and Day 7 and ostensibly had already received results from the 7-day test, the absolute latest date that the Newsoms were aware of their child’s exposure was November 13, but it possibly could have been sooner. But, the Newsoms contend through their spokesperson that while they are always at home with their four children, ages 4, 7, 9, and 11, except during the few hours the three eldest are in school, only that one child was required to quarantine:

Click said that the governor, his wife and their three other children are not required to quarantine, according to state health guidelines that require the quarantine of only the person directly exposed to an infected person.

Well, we don’t want to quibble and argue that while the state health guidelines might have required that only the person directly exposed, that it’s probably a good idea to have the entire family quarantine since, you know, little kids are always all up in each other’s faces and drinking out of each other’s cups and eating using each other’s utensils? Or maybe I’m the only mom whose kids didn’t seem to be very concerned about germs?

Even though both Politico and the LA Times published a story about the Newsom child’s exposure, it was late on a Friday night in the middle of an intense news cycle, and Newsom didn’t tweet about it himself. Of course he didn’t. He was also informed Friday that a member of his security detail had tested positive for coronavirus, and that warranted a three-tweet missive. He waited until Sunday, though, to send out an insensitive and condescending tweet about that matter. But why? According to the LA Times:


Newsom’s team did not immediately disclose the exposure from the CHP officer and instead waited to announce the family-wide quarantine until after test results came back negative Sunday evening.

Forty-eight hours for the Governor’s family to receive test results? Hmm. That’s curious.

It could also be that they waited 48 hours because no one was really tracking them over the weekend and they could escape to the Siebel family’s ranch in Montana somewhat undetected?

Oh, and another little tidbit was probably unintentionally released during Newsom’s Monday press conference, allegedly held in the library of his Fair Oaks mansion. After explaining that, to date, all of the Newsoms had tested negative, Newsom said that even their au pair tested negative:

Newsom said that his family has not been exposed to outsiders and that only the live-in helper has stayed with them.

“No one else is in the household. We have someone that been with us that comes from overseas. She’s been living with us for many, many months. She’s part of the pod — that’s it,” Newsom said.

So, Newsom has an au pair from overseas who’s been quarantining with them? Inquiring minds want to know about the details of *that* employment agreement, especially in light of how many domestic workers in California are mistreated by their wealthy, elite employers.


But, I digress.

The wording of all of Newsom’s statements about these coronavirus exposures is very calculated and illogical. One child was exposed at school, but somehow the rest of the family can come and go as they please as this child “quarantines”? Three of the four children were in the presence of the CHP officer who tested positive, but now the entire family is required to hunker down and quarantine over Thanksgiving week, giving them some sort of weird way to “identify” with the masses who are being told to not leave their home for the next week?

None of it makes any sense, if you look at it from a logical perspective. But when you know that Newsom won’t allow anything to keep HIS kids out of school, and any way to deny culpability for getting a member of his security detail infected with the Wuhan bat flu, it all makes sense.

*Note: Or should I say, allegedly quarantining there. We do have our eyes and ears out in the Hamilton, Montana area for any sighting of the Governor’s family at his in-laws’ ranch during this holiday week.

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