‘White Fragility’ Author Robin DiAngelo Accused of Plagiarizing Minority Writers

AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

Robin DiAngelo, author of “White Fragility” and the nation’s number one white guilt grifter, has been accused of plagiarizing works by minority scholars.

Author Aaron Sibarium, in a report for the Washington Free Beacon, provided several examples of the author allegedly lifting entire passages from the writings of several individuals without proper attribution.


In an "accountability" statement on her website, which makes repeated reference to her Ph.D., DiAngelo, 67, tells "fellow white people" that they should "always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking."

It doesn't matter if their contribution is just a few words. "When you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person," DiAngelo says, referring to black, indigenous, and other people of color, "credit them."

But the white diversity trainer has not always taken her own advice. According to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she plagiarized several scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral thesis.

"The complaint suggests that the paper responsible for these ideas violated bedrock scholarly norms. Several passages appear to meet the University of Washington's definition of plagiarism, which includes 'borrowing the structure of another author's phrases or sentences without crediting the author from whom it came.,” Sibarium writes.

The report also points out that “while a verbatim quote could have been copied accidentally, she often tweaks her sources' prose—suggesting she is aware of what she is doing and intentionally misleading readers.”


The complaint alleges that DiAngelo plagiarized Stacey Lee, an Asian-American professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Northeastern University’s Thomas Nakayama, and several other individuals.

In one instance, DiAngelo allegedly copied “a page of material from Kristin Gates Cloyes—her classmate in the university’s Ph.D. program—and frames it as original language.”

Well, this doesn’t look good for one of the nation’s foremost race grifters. Yet, it highlights a larger reality: White progressives view minorities as little more than tools to help them advance their political agendas and to effectuate their grifting. DiAngelo has made tons of money by telling white people how racist they are and how they are oppressing non-whites.

Yet, if these allegations are accurate, DiAngelo had no problem exploiting the work of non-whites to boost her career while pretending to care about the plight of minorities in America.

This development is yet another indication that much of the DEI agenda is a massive grift aimed at enriching those involved in the industry while pushing far-leftist ideology related to race, sexuality, and gender identity. Folks like DiAngelo prey on white guilt to convince white Americans that they are hopelessly racist and that if they pay her oodles of cash, she can help them finally overcome their ingrained bigotry.


It’s an entire crock, of course.

Sure, there are still racial problems in America. They have been exacerbated over recent decades by politicians and media figures. But folks like DiAngelo seem more interested in profiting from the issue than trying to solve the problem.


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