
The Plastic Candidate

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Is anything about Kamala Harris real? 

Outside of what Tulsi Gabbard told us about her on the 2020 Democrat Primary debate stage, I'm not entirely sure. Like most Democrat candidates, what you see isn't what you get. Most of what you're being served up is entirely fictional. However, this seems to apply in a much grander way to Harris than it does previous Democrat presidential candidates. 

That's because, after watching Harris and learning about Harris for long enough, I can see that she is an entity entirely created from third party sources, not due to a charming personality, achievements, or intelligence. Harris is a puppet who got where she is because she's willing to be controlled. She's willing to do or say whatever it is to get ahead. 

At this moment in our history, Harris is the perfect person to be who she is in order to rise. She doesn't have to succeed or be any good. She can fail spectacularly, but because she's a willing puppet, she'll fail upward because these third party forces need her to succeed. As such, the puppet has to be very carefully controlled. 

This means that nothing can be said that isn't approved. She's not allowed to speak to the press without a script and when she speaks at all it's from a teleprompter, and then she's done. Her lines are clearly written for her, as her speech with a teleprompter is wholly different from what she sounds like without one. Almost every attempt at speaking freely devolves into word salad or nothingburgers. 

One of those moments that really stands out to me that proves everything is written for her, for instance, is the infamous "coconut tree" moment from Harris. 

"You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?" said Harris with a very off-putting cackle, before she seemed to get somber and thoughtful. "You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you." 

The delivery is absolutely atrocious, but as a writer, I actually think it's a pretty good line. You do exist in the context of the past and present, and that's a very eloquent way of putting it. It just sounded so stupid because the mouth it came out of and the way it was delivered was so alien to the person saying it that it fell entirely flat. 

Here's a fun experiment. Imagine this line being delivered by Jordan Peterson or even imagine it being said by Carl Sagan and the phrase would sound profound. It would work out of their mouths because they are intelligent people who have put some serious thought into human nature and are used to expressing these thoughts with a sharp and confident tongue. These words won't work coming out of the mouth of a clown. 

Even her most famous line "what can be, unburdened by what has been," isn't even her line. 

It's actually a reworking of communist theory, going all the way back to Karl Marx's "Capital." The phrase is "We suffer not only from the living, but from the dead," which is, itself, is ripped from a French saying "Le mort saisit le vif" or "The dead seize the living." This phrase sparked many communist movements to repeat the phrase in their own way as a way to make people feel like they're shackled to something they needed to cast off. Again, we're seeing someone write something for Harris that sounds like word salad coming out of her, but was a very clever mind trick coming out of more charismatic and intelligent people.

Even Harris's rallies seem to be infused with levels of falsehoods. Union members are bussed in to fill space. They bring in celebrities to attract people. 

(READ: The Difference Between a Packed Harris Rally and a Packed Trump Rally)

Moreover, she doesn't change her speech at all from place to place. It's the same one just altered slightly. 

Even when things are arranged to make her look good, they look completely fake. Remember when the White House admitted to hiring child actors to talk to Kamala Harris about World Space Day and Harris told the kids they were going to see the craters on the moon with their own eyes... something that was already possible. The video is horrifically cheesy and only reinforces that Harris a highly awkward and bizarre person. 

Harris is entirely a media-born creation on order from the Democrat Party. The press is doing its absolute best to prop her up, destroying what credibility they have left in the process. She is wholly artificial. She is a mask worn by people behind the scenes, just like Biden was. The only reason Harris is there is that she happened to be in the right place at the right time on multiple occasions. 


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