
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: MSNBC Caught Fabricating News, Tim Walz Is a Fashion Icon, and More

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

We are all very familiar with the press posing as outraged regarding the concept of misinformation and fake news. With that in mind consider the abject lack of outrage heard when MSNBC was caught fabricating evidence of Joe Rogan supposedly giving Kamala Harris his support. The heavily edited video was so bad they eventually were forced to haul it down.

Then we have a small slip-up on the CBS Sunday show “Face The Nation” where White House correspondent Weijia Jiang subtlety says the press has been the ones to push the “weird” narrative to harm Trump’s campaign. On the campaign trail, Garrett Haake thinks he has cornered J.D. Vance with a question alleging he was antisemitic when saying Josh Shapiro was passed over for Kamala’s pick as a running mate. Haake was oblivious that barely a week earlier his own network reported there was a divide within the Democrats over his being Jewish.

Then we close out with a fashion segment, where Politico embarrassingly tried to sell Tim Walz as an influential dressing-down icon.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.


  • This attempt to claim that Joe Rogan backed Kamala is astoundingly bad.


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