The Bleeding Won't Stop: Biden Insiders Reportedly Melting Down, See 'No Path to Victory'

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

As much as I dislike Joseph R. Biden and what he has done to this country, I have to admit I almost feel sorry for his staffers and handlers. (Note: I said almost. They signed up for this malarkey).


But it seems all is not well in paradise as a report from NBC Wednesday reveals that many “insiders” are in open panic and see no chance of victory for the president in his reelection campaign against former President Donald Trump.

Several of President Joe Biden’s closest allies, including three people who are directly involved in efforts to re-elect him, told NBC News they now see his chances of winning as zero — and the likelihood of him taking down fellow Democratic candidates growing.

“He needs to drop out,” one Biden campaign official said. “He will never recover from this.”

Now when NBC is reporting this kind of stuff, you know things are getting serious, because like most mainstream corporate media in this day and age, they spend most of their time covering for the bumbling octogenarian commander-in-chief.

But they had plenty more:

Those [insiders] who spoke to NBC News said the sentiment that he should exit and leave the Democratic nomination to someone else — most likely Vice President Kamala Harris — is widespread even within the ranks of the campaign and the outside Democratic entities supporting it. 

“No one involved in the effort thinks he has a path,” said a second person working to elect him. 


Although Biden did not fall off the stage at his rare press conference Thursday night, he did little to reassure voters that he is up to the job. Many observers felt it was just another in a growing list of poor performances.

Vice President who?

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The behind-the-scenes whispering won’t stop:

A third person close to the re-election campaign said the present situation — the questions swirling around Biden’s cognitive abilities, the dearth of fundraising and more polls showing Biden dropping in support and other candidates faring better — is unsustainable. This person also said they didn’t see how the campaign could win. 

The calls for Joe Biden to quit his reelection campaign and hand the torch to someone else have become absolutely relentless, and they’re coming from his former “friends”: high-ranking Democrat politicians, Hollywood celebs and CEOs, and even liberal media outlets like the New York Times. The president has attempted to increase his visibility and prove that he’s not compromised after his disastrous debate performance in late June, but only his most ardent sycophants could argue that it’s working. His interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos did little to quell speculation that he’s just plain lost it, and although he made it out alive through Thursday’s press conference, his bizarre Batman-like whispering and horrid gaffe where he called Trump the vice president certainly aren’t going to help. 


These anonymous “insiders” are right to be freaking out. The wheels have come off the train.


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