
School District Not Hiding the Agenda - Students Cannot Opt Out of LGBTQ+ Lessons Despite Parents' Wishes

Michael Greenlar/The Syracuse Newspapers via AP

Education is always an issue on voters' minds in an election cycle, and 2024 is no different. For most parents, that includes reading, writing, math, science, and actual American history, with a little physical education and learning to play an instrument thrown in (says a former marching band brat). But we all know there is another agenda on the minds of the teachers' unions and the Democrat party they work in conjunction with. It's the cultural agenda of the militant LGBTQ and transgender movement. As the nation's students begin a new school year, in some areas, that movement is out in full force. 

The Denver, Colorado, school district is implementing something called the "LGBTQ+ tool kit." The tool kit was updated in July, but the real reason for that seems to be bypassing parents. The updated version of the tool kit prohibits parents from opting their children out of the curriculum, even if the lessons violate the student and parent's beliefs. No parental permission is required for the curriculum. If parents insist on opting their kids out of the lessons, the students then must attend sex-ed classes.

The tool kit includes a glossary of LGBTQ-associated definitions, as well as rules faculty and staff must follow when interacting with students who are transitioning. But it also includes several eyebrow-raising details, such as: 

" student, regardless of whether they are transgender or non-binary will be left out of an overnight trip and that a student’s 'sexual orientation' and gender are to remain private on these trips."

Wait a minute. Overnight trips? There seems to be a lot of bypassing parental consent going on in the Denver School District. Consent is not needed when using students' pronouns at school. But the best part is, there's an entire section of the tool kit devoted to how to help students transition -- even if parents are unaware.

The tool kit goes on to further exclude parents by stating that faculty are not to “out” students and that it is prohibited to share a student’s “gender identity” or “sexual orientation” with their family. Then there is the indoctrination, which states that all “sexual orientations are valid" and transgender individuals "have more than one 'sexual orientation.'” The tool kit states that, of course, the LGBTQ lessons are part of, wait for it, the district's "commitment to equity and inclusion." Apparently, inclusion does not extend to taxpaying parents.

As stated above, new school year, same old agenda, and deep blue Denver is not the only place this is occurring. In June of 2023, the Olympia, Washington, school district said that students would also prevented from opting out of LGBTQ Pride-related lessons and activities. The District said that the lessons were "aligned with the standards that are required to be taught within our schools." Think you can bypass the whole thing by just keeping your kid at home that day? You can do that; however, your child's absence will be counted as unexcused. Translation: your child will be taught things he or she might not be taught at home, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

Parents are being cut out of school district policy decisions all over the nation. In May of this year, the Supreme Court declined to hear the case of the Montgomery County, Maryland Board of Education protocol that parents they deem "unsupportive" would not be informed if their child was undergoing "gender transition" at school. 

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris has yet to divulge to the American people what her positions on education issues are, or anything else for that matter. But we can assume it would be more of the same caving to the teachers' unions that has occurred under every other Democrat administration, including the Biden-Harris administration. 

The lesson for parents here is that elections most definitely have consequences.


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