
Busted: Oregon School Gets Squirrely When Parents Demand to See Sex Ed Lessons

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

What is it with Oregon?

In the latest incident from California North, a parent asked to see their child's school's sexual education materials. The school refused but allowed the parent to view the materials on a school computer, from which they took cell phone photos. 

Libs of TikTok broke the news.

When that broke, the Media Research Center's Tierin-Rose Mandelburg reacted, and she made some excellent points.

The pages show a drawing of a person with various graphics that correlate to terms. The brain is correlated with “gender identity.” The description for gender identity is “a person’s sense of self in relation to gender.” AKA, it doesn’t have to match a person’s sex.

There was a little fire emoji right at the top of the person’s chest which was linked with “sexual orientation.” The description had three parts: “1. Orientation: Who a person is sexually attracted to 2. Behavior: How a person behaves sexually 3. Identity: What a person calls themself.” 

Below the fire emoji was a heart which linked to “Romantic Orientation” which was described as “Who a person is romantically attracted to.”

Over on the left was a tab that said “Assigned Gender/Sex at Birth” and it was connected with an arrow to a green star over the person’s crotch. “The gender/sex assigned at birth based on a person’s genitals,” the description read.

Finally, the last tab was linked to the orange outline of the person and was called “Gender Expression: How a person presents themself (i.e. style, actions, demeanor, and more).

Sex and gender are indeed two different things; sex is biology, and gender is linguistics. There's an old truism that applies: "Words have gender; people have sex." The rest of this statement in the curricula that this Oregon school is trying to hide from parents is woke nonsense. The second-to-last tab is particularly wrong, and I'm saying this as a biologist: Sex is not "assigned at birth." Sex is determined genetically at conception, and with some rare exceptions usually involving trisomy of the sex chromosomes, there are only two, male and female. 

This Oregon school, of course, has no monopoly on the wielding of nitwittery in education.

See Related: Manhattan School District Takes Bold Step Amidst Gender Sports Debate 

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Parents in the school district were quick to react.

“If schools are not freely sharing all curriculum with parents then the curriculum isn’t appropriate. This is so basic. Parents should immediately pull their kids out if their kid’s school is hiding anything from parents. Yet another reason to homeschool,” one user wrote. Another individual wrote, “School should be shut down for teaching this psuedoscience.”

A different user pointed out the fact that if schools didn’t have anything to hide, why weren’t they transparent about the lesson from the get go?

“If there were nothing wrong, there would be no reason to hide anything? Aren't we always told that? So clearly, they feel what they are doing would not be received well by the parents who send their children there. They would be right. This is wrong,” the user wrote.

These parents are correct to be concerned, especially when the school district seems so anxious to evade parents knowing what their kids are being taught.

As I keep saying and will continue to keep saying, education at all levels has but one purpose: to produce young adults with marketable skills. Nothing should get in the way of that primary goal, and this kind of nonsense most assuredly does not further that goal. What's more, the school is clearly breaking faith with the parents who pay their salaries and whose children they are supposed to be educating, and that breaking of faith is unforgivable - and likely irredeemable.

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg, in the opening of her piece, commented that this is why she will be home-schooling her children. That's one answer, of course. But there's a better, long-term answer: Get the government completely out of education. Privatize education at all levels, repeal the taxes that pay for public schools, and let the markets decide. I'm not against a voucher program to help low-income families educate their kids - a proper education, one that equips young people with marketable skills, is the fastest way out of poverty that I can think of.

Privatize the lot. Let a thousand flowers bloom: If parents want to send their kids to the Kamala Harris Academy for the Terminally Woke, on their heads be it; if other parents want their kids to go to the Elon Musk IT, Aerotech, and Engineering Institute, then their kids will reap the rewards for that choice, as well. But keep the government out. No government grants. No government-guaranteed loans. If your kids take a crap education, well, unless they can figure a way out of it, they'll be doomed to a crap career.

That's on the parents and the kids. And parents who aren't looking for woke nitwittery shouldn't be forced to condemn their kids to this.


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