
WATCH: 'Climate Change' Protestors Pour Pink Powder on Constitution, Spout Nonsense

AP Photo/Juliet Williams

For those who may not have known this, you can view the original United States Constitution in the National Archives. As one might expect, that document is protected by armor glass in a hermetically sealed display case. This founding document is, after all, a vital part of the republic's history and, as such, must be protected and preserved.

Which is why the gesture that follows is especially ridiculous. On Wednesday, two "climate protestors" dumped pink powder, not on the Constitution itself, but on its sealed display case, while spouting some of the purest horse squeeze imaginable.

Climate protesters on Wednesday dumped pink powder on the United States Constitution at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Two young men poured the powder on the Constitution—which is protected by a glass casing in the building's rotunda—as they called for President Joe Biden to declare a climate emergency, video showed. Security promptly cleared the area and arrested the protesters almost immediately.

"We are determined to foment a rebellion. We will not be held account to laws in which we have no voice or representation," said one demonstrator, referencing Abigail Adams's "Remember the Ladies" letter to her husband.

To paraphrase President Reagan, there's an awful lot these protestors know that just isn't so.

Think for a moment about the "rebellion" that they wish to foment — which would presumably involve the banning of fossil fuel exploration and extraction. These young skulls-full-of-mush likely have some foggy idea about fifteen-minute cities with electric buses, windmills, and solar panels, but as we've pointed out repeatedly, that's just not possible — and the government has no authority to force people into such a lifestyle. But there is more to it than that. There always is. The petroleum industry produces a plethora of by-products, including the raw materials that go into everything from plastics to pharmaceutical precursors; we literally cannot have a 21st-century lifestyle without those materials. Either these nitwits don't know that — or they don't care and are fine with humanity being forced a century in the retrograde.

There is, of course, another aspect of the "We are determined to foment a rebellion" statement: This would sure appear to imply they are willing to break the law to achieve their goals, which, of course, they have done with this futile and stupid gesture. But will it stop there? We've already seen other examples of vandalism in Italy and France, among other places. Where will they stop? There are actions they could take, for instance, to cripple the power grid; I will not describe those possibilities here, but they exist nonetheless.

So far, though, they have limited themselves to futile and stupid gestures. In a quick bit of investigative journalism, we managed to uncover a brief clip of the planning for this incident:

Of course, the protestors go on to spout the predictable leftist claptrap:

The other then appealed to the country's Founding documents to argue his point.

"This country's founded on the conditions that all men are created ... and endowed with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," the protester said. "We're calling for all people to have all these rights, not just wealthy white men. We all deserve clean air, water, food, and a livable climate."

That protester then called for removing subsidies for fossil fuels and "moving towards real climate solutions," while the other said there were millions of "climate refugees" in the United States and across the world.    

This takes a little unpacking.

  • The whole "wealthy white men" comment is leaning on a leftish shibboleth that is just too ridiculously easy to dismiss. We have had a "person of color" as President and now as Vice President. Three of nine Supreme Court Justices are "people of color," while four of nine are women. The idea that the Constitution and its guarantee of rights only apply to "wealthy white men" is just so absurd as to be dismissed out of hand; these nitwits just don't know what they are talking about.
  • The agenda they push has nothing to do with "real climate solutions." What they do have something to do with is reducing the Western world to the early 20th century, maybe the 19th century, as the policies these people push would destroy the house of cards that is our modern technological lifestyle.
  • There are not "millions of climate refugees" around the world; they pulled that out of their fourth points of contact.

See Related: WATCH: Activists Rage About Climate Change, Get Arrested After Disrupting Biden Campaign Headquarters 

Climate Scolds Issue Dire Warning: It's Dangerous to Let Kids Play Outdoors

So, once again, we have "climate protestor" nitwits applying a nonsensical gesture in pursuit of a nonsensical agenda. These two, fortunately, were both arrested and will be charged at the federal level, but it's unclear what they will be charged with; they are arguably guilty of nothing more than vandalism. There are, however, more like them out there, and it seems like that, for now, they are going to continue using vandalism as a protest; but these things always seem to escalate, don't they? What might be next?


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