Ultra Right Beer Releases 'Real Women of America' 2024 Calendar

AP Photo/Hannah Schoenbaum

Some years back, my blogger pal, the inestimable Robert Stacy McCain, released his "Five Rules for Getting a Million Hits on Your Blog." Of those, the most famous was Rule Five: "Everybody loves a pretty girl." This is a principle with a lot of history behind it, as anyone who is old enough to remember the ubiquitous auto-parts store calendars of a few years past.


It should come as a surprise to no one that I'm rather a fan of Rule Five myself.

Now we see that Conservative Dad, the guy behind Ultra Right Beer, is channeling Mr. McCain's rule in his latest effort, which is the "Real Women of America" calendar. The calendar will be, in part, a fundraiser for Riley Gaines' "Riley Gaines Center," whose mission is to preserve women's sports for, you know, women.

A self-described "anti-woke" beer company that took off following Bud Light's advancement of transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney says a recent campaign has raised thousands of dollars for the Riley Gaines Center to protect women's sports.

Conservative Dad's Ultra Right Beer teamed up with Riley Gaines, a women's sports activist, on its "Real Women of America" 2024 Calendar, an endeavor the group previously told FOX Business was the first calendar created to "specifically showcase the most beautiful conservative women in America." 

As part of the campaign, the company devoted 10% of its calendar sales to the Riley Gaines Center to defend women's sports from "extreme leftist ideology seeking to destroy women's athletics."

Gaines told FOX Business the campaign has been successful and raised $20,000 for her group. 


The calendar features Riley Gaines herself, alongside Peyton Drew, Kim Klacic, Ashley St. Clair, Catalina Lauf, Brittany Jean, Sara Gonzales, Dana Loesch, Bethany Bartlett, and Josie (The Redheaded Libertarian.)

Ultra Right Beer was founded, of course, to step into the BroDude beer market left gaping wide open by the Bud Light debacle; see more on that fiasco at these links:

There are several reasons why this is a canny move on the part of Ultra Right Beer.

First, it's a good marketing move. See Robert Stacy McCain and Rule Five. The screeching of blue-haired, overweight radical Third Wave feminists notwithstanding, there will always be guys out there who like to see pretty girls, and this calendar appeals to those guys, in particular the BroDude demographic whom Bud Light so cavalierly tossed under the bus.

Second, it's driving a nail right into the cause of the "transgender" activists, whom the Bud Light people tried to appease by parading Dylan Mulvaney. Riley Gaines is doing great work here in combating the entire "dudes in women's sports" phenomenon, and every calendar sold helps her in that effort.


Third, the Ultra Light Beer campaign is taking the fight to our side of the battlefield. Founder "Conservative Dad" has staked out his battle-space in the one area where the left is least equipped to play: capitalism.

If you are interested in supporting Riley Gaines' work, you can order your calendar here. I've already ordered my calendar. Solely because of my wish to support the Riley Gaines Center, to help them protect women's sports. Really. That's the only reason. Honestly. 

Just ask my wife.


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