Open Borders Through Guatemala? It Appears That Is the Biden Administration Goal

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

If one was trying, deliberately, to allow a flood of illegal migrants to swarm into the United States, who would one go about it any differently than to initiate the policies of the Biden administration towards our southern border? The debacle on our southern border beggars belief, and now we see that the President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, has told Fox News that he reached out to the Biden administration for help securing his own country's southern border, only to be turned away.


The Biden administration doesn’t want to just keep the U.S.-Mexico border open. It wants the borders of our Latin American neighbors to remain open as well.  

Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei told us that earlier this year in an interview that he asked Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for help closing Guatemala’s border with El Salvador and Honduras to help shut off illegal migration north. But, Giammattei says, Mayorkas and Blinken rejected his offer. 

We have seen documents that support his contention, and reached out to the administration for comment, but it did not respond. 

Of course, the administration did not respond. How could they respond? How can they possibly justify this?

Congress is already pushing for sterner action on the festering sore that is our southern border. While the Biden White House takes no action as illegal immigrants displace Americans from hotel rooms they have paid for (they are, of course, also paying for housing for the illegal aliens, to add insult to injury), the situation just keeps getting worse.

Giammattei has been a strong U.S. ally fighting against illegal immigration in Central America. On January 14, 2022, for example, he proposed legislation in the Guatemalan Congress to increase penalties for human smuggling and urged its swift approval. Congress passed the bill only 15 days later, increasing criminal sentencing from six-to-eight years up to 10-to-30 years, and up to 50 years for aggravated cases.


This is someone whose interests coincide with ours; this is a political leader we ought to work with. It is belaboring the obvious to point out that Guatemala's southern border is much shorter than ours, and much of it is impassible. Guatemala also stands astride the land route from places like Honduras and Venezuela, the source of many of the illegal immigrants now making their way north to the Estados Unidos. Granted, people are making their way here from other locations, as well — see my colleague Becky Noble's story from earlier today for more details — but the opportunity here is to close one big gap with little effort on our part.

President Giammattei clearly sees what nobody in the Biden administration seems to:

Giammattei continues to warn the Biden administration of the dangerous consequences of open borders, stating, "What the United States has is a process of invasion." A Guatemalan intelligence report stated that 20,522 people from nine "nationalities of interest" for terrorism and drug trafficking – Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen – arrived in Guatemala between Jan. 1, 2022, and Aug. 31, 2023. "There will be terrorists," Giammattei predicted.


An invasion, indeed, and in all too many cases, we have no idea who these people are, where they come from, or what they intend to do when they get here. Most of them, sure, may well be looking for a chance to make better lives for themselves – although the best way to go about that would be to not start your life in the U.S. by breaking the law.

But if one in a thousand of these people are entering with nefarious intent, we’ve got a real, no-s**t problem on our hands.

A nation without borders is no nation at all. That would appear to be the path the Biden administration has set us on, whether through intent or incompetence. They clearly aren't taking the matter seriously; Vice President Harris, supposedly the administration's "border czar," hasn't been within a hundred miles of the border for months upon months. White House officials routinely dodge questions on immigration policy. Meanwhile, people are flooding into the US, illegally, from all over. Floating some aid to Guatemala to help them seal their southern border wouldn't address every concern, but it would address some of them, and unlike the many various things the federal government wastes money on, this is something that is a legitimate function of government. This alliance on control of the endless stream of northward-bound migrants is clearly in our national interest as well as Guatemala's. The administration should at least hear the man out. That they won't speaks volumes.



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