Hamas Leaders in Qatar Admit Purpose of Oct 7th Attack: 'To Create Permanent State of War With Israel'

AP Photo/Adel Hana

While the Hamas-Israel war is raging and Israeli Defense Forces troops are tightening the circle around Hamas terrorists in Gaza, the leaders of the terror group are safely ensconced in Qatar; in the latest outrage, these cowardly lions are admitting that the purpose of the Oct. 7th attacks was to create a permanent state of war along Israel's borders.


The goal of Hamas’s October 7 massacres in southern Israel was to “change the entire equation,” bring permanent war to Israel’s borders and renew attention to the Palestinian cause, a senior member of the terror group’s politburo in Qatar said.

“What could change the equation was a great act, and without a doubt, it was known that the reaction to this great act would be big,” Khalil al-Hayya told The New York Times in an interview published Wednesday. “We had to tell people that the Palestinian cause would not die.”

On the morning of Saturday, October 7, some 3,000 Hamas terrorists stormed through the border fence into Israel, killing 1,400 people, most of them civilians, and taking at least 240 hostages.

Many of the victims were families murdered in their homes, and 260 people were mowed down at an outdoor music festival.

What kind of a monster advocates for "permanent war"? Never mind, I'll answer that myself; an old man, far from any danger, who is willing to throw human lives away without a second thought. This is medievalism at its worst, the idea that a king can just blithely send the peasantry and even nobles off to die without a second thought, knowing his own safety is never in question.


The proper course of action for Israel and its allies is to pressure Qatar to extradite these people, to take them from their luxury high-rise apartments, and hence to a modern version of the Nuremberg Tribunals, there to answer for crimes against humanity. After World War II we hanged Nazi leaders for ordering atrocities; the international community should seek to arrest, try, and hang these monsters in the same way.

Another Hamas leader has chimed in as well:

On October 24, senior Hamas member Ghazi Hamad told Lebanese TV channel LBC that the October 7 massacre was just the first of many, and that “there will be a second, a third, and a fourth” attack if the group is given the chance.

“Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it,” he said at the time. “We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.”

"Proud to sacrifice martyrs," this savage says -- but not so proud that he sees fit to place himself in the line of fire. Coward.

Hamad and, indeed, all Hamas leaders, sure love to ramble on about martyrdom. Here's the thing about martyrs: They're dead. And while Hamas's leadership seems to fancy themselves nigh unto kings -- well, kings, too, can die. Just ask Richard III.


Extradite them. Try them. If found guilty, hang them. Pour l’encouragement des autres.

See more, recent RedState coverage of the Israel-Hamas war at the links below.


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