Podcast: Conversation With Townhall Contributor Kurt Schlichter on the Border and Speaker's Race

Courtesy of Marissa Forte

Pleased to welcome my friend Kurt Schlichter from Townhall.com to discuss some very interesting topics that have been discussed on the pages of both Townhall.com and here at  RedState.com.


First up, Kurt and I discussed his article called We Are Sitting Ducks and Our Leaders Do Not Care, which was similar to my article Attack on Israel Is a Stark Reminder to United States of What Happens When Evil Crosses an Open Border.

We go over what we believe is going to happen now that our southern border has been wide open for the whole time Joe Biden has been President and we have no idea who has crossed.

Then we both dive into the current mess of the vacated Speaker's chair and how the GOP will bounce back from this.


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