Does the Vacant Speakers Chair Affect the Way the United States Responds to Attack on Israel?

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

If you have been on the pages of RedState today or tuned in to the news at all, you know about the horrific events that happened in Israel today along the border with the Gaza Strip. 


Here are some quick examples you can check out from my colleague Becca Lower who has this offering, Iran Praises Hamas Terror Attack on Israel as a 'Proud Operation,' and my other colleague Jeff Charles, who wrote Four Critical Facts About Hamas and Its Jihad Against Israel.

This is one of the largest attacks on Israel since its creation in 1947 and definitely in 50 years -- almost to the day of the last, large armed confrontation in the Yom Kippur War.

In one of my earlier articles this week and my show, Duke Over America on Facebook, about the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House -- which was also a historic moment -- I talk about how we all need to be better students of history, both our own and the world. The events of this week are a clear reminder of why we should study harder on the events that shape us far from our shores.

From my article Get Ready to Hate Whoever the Next Speaker Is

We all need to become better students of history and become rigorous critical thinkers. Set aside the tribal emotional vapid arguments that so many people get sucked into and actually question people and their actions vigorously. If it sounds too good to be true and it rolls off the tongue too easily, lean into your questioning of it even harder than you previously had been.

I start my post off with that because I'm going to bring up some things here that I want you, the reader, to question what I'm saying with that type of curious and enlivened passion.

I don't have any problem at all with the House of Representatives or the Senate removing or adding somebody from leadership in their individual bodies. That happens in the private sector all the time, and at one time or another, we have all bemoan the fact that government does not work as efficiently as the private sector.

The one thing I question, though is the timing.

The same people could have prevented Kevin McCarthy from becoming speaker back in January. Setting the tone at the beginning of a 2-year cycle is different than changing horses in the middle of the stream with 13 months to go until a national election.


So, I harkened back to this article when I read this, right here, about the vacancy might cause a slight problem in how the bicameral legislature, which we have, might function.

The absence of a House speaker amid the crisis in the Middle East, as Israel works to defend itself from an unprecedented attack by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists, has called into question whether Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., could or should receive an intelligence briefing about the situation.

A source told Fox News that the Biden administration could take the line that there is no speaker for the House of Representatives. Thus, McHenry would not qualify for an intelligence briefing.

However, Fox was also told that President Biden's team sees McHenry as credible and a responsible individual, so even though he is not speaker, the administration may be willing to brief him.

So far, there has been no call for an intelligence briefing on the Middle East for the Congressional "Gang of 8." That group consists of the House speaker, the House minority leader, the Senate majority leader, the Senate minority leader, and the chairs and top minority members of the House and Senate Intelligence committees.

So in the overall scheme of things, it sounds like the Biden Administration might play nice with McHenry, who is keeping the chair warm,  Yet then again, it is the Biden Administration and they just recently reneged on their promise to stop the wall and decided to go forward with it being built.


You never know with Joe and his crew.

Will it be the end of the world that the Speaker of the House, who does not exist, and those in the gang of eight, who get intelligence briefings on the House of Representatives side, aren't getting intelligence briefings right now? 


However, the genius of the founders was that there were checks and balances built into all three branches of government. Currently, half of the legislature that is run by Republicans is rudderless. Nothing is being done in any way, shape, or form during this unscheduled leadership break in the House of Representatives.

No meetings or hearings.

No legislation (I’m actually pretty good with this). 

No moving forward on releasing information on the Hunter Biden laptop from hell.

This goes back to one of the main thrusts of my article about how it doesn't matter who becomes the next Speaker of the House, you're going to be mad -- which was this.

Timing in life and definitely in politics is damn near everything. If Kevin McCarthy had not been picked as Speaker back in January, I wouldn't have lost a wink of sleep. You could have picked Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Donald Trump, or Ivanka Trump, and it would not have mattered. Any of those people or the person that they eventually pick is not going to abide by what Gaetz and the other seven said they wanted. 


Continuing resolutions will not change, and nobody is going to do anything about the $33 trillion in debt.

However, because of the horrible timing of removing McCarthy now, as opposed to not picking him in January, we have no idea when regular order will return to the House. When the investigations can pick back up we get to see who is going be kept in committees, and other backstage things, we don't always hear about right away.

Hopefully, we can be clearheaded in the future and realize a crisis of any proportion can pop up here or internationally, and we do need to have a clear-cut pecking order to get us through the immediate aftermath.

I can't imagine if the Democrats or Republicans had pulled a maneuver like this, days before 9/11 occurred. I'm pretty sure the independents (the ones who decide elections)  in this country would punish that party in future elections. 

We will find out how the GOP does in 13 months with those folks.

Let me know what you think by clicking on my BIO right here or scrolling down a bit and letting me know what you think in the Comments. You can reach me on Facebook, X (The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter), or my email address. I have no fear of listening and or reading people with whom I do not see eye to eye.


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