Rick Perry's Secretary of Energy Nomination Moves Forward For Full Senate Vote

After a brief stall, it appears former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s path to the Secretary of Energy seat is moving forward.

From the Texas Tribune:

A majority of the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee Tuesday backed Perry’s confirmation as the new Secretary of Energy. The full Senate will vote on the Perry nomination in the coming weeks, and he is likely to win approval.

President Donald Trump appointed Perry to the post in December, and Perry put in a strong performance at the committee hearing last week. His nomination sailed through the panel with a 16-7 vote, which included the backing of four Democratic senators.


Governor Perry likely eased the minds of some Democrats on the panel when he agreed that global warming might be a thing, and that people might have something to do with it.

This goes against the general belief of Republicans, who have, for years, expressed doubts that the science behind climate change was settled or definitive.

It makes Democrats happy to think otherwise, though.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, the second-highest-ranking Republican senator, immediately released a statement in support of the move.

“Under Rick Perry’s leadership, Texas experienced innovative growth in our energy sector, which translated to more jobs and lower prices for families across our state,” Cornyn said. “I’m confident he’ll replicate this success at a national level and help launch the next great era in American energy production.

“I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to get him confirmed and on the job as soon as possible.”

Governor Perry’s job as Secretary of Energy will include keeping the nuclear weapons secure, and he has promised to “modernize” the stockpile.


I have no doubts Perry is a solid pick, and he’ll serve the nation well.

I just hope he has the kind of influence to compel the president to listen to him, as it pertains to our nuclear arsenal.


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