In an Amazing Twist, a Pro-Antifa Paper Writes a Hit Piece on Andy Ngo...and Gets Hoaxed in the Process

AP Photo/Noah Berger
AP featured image
Black Lives Matter protester Jorge Mendoza holds a sign while rallying at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Following an agreement between Democratic Gov. Kate Brown and the Trump administration to reduce federal officers in the city, nightly protests remained largely peaceful without major confrontations between demonstrators and officers. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

At a time when the overwhelming majority of the media are openly allied with Antifa and other leftist street goons, one superstar doing actual journalism on BLM demonstrators and their armed street gang, Antifa, has been Andy Ngo. Ngo has relentlessly and fearlessly reported on these movements and the violence endemic to them for three or four years. He shined the light on Antifa in Seattle and Portland in the early days of the Trump administration. For his efforts, he’s been assaulted, injured, his life threatened, and slandered as a “white supremacist.” Ordinarily, you’d expect journalists to close ranks behind a colleague in the face of violence aimed and stopping him from reporting, but you’d be wrong about that. Now some members of the media are actively siding with Antifa to take out Ngo.

One of the great services Ngo performs is publishing the mugshots of the vaguely human detritus dredged from the streets of Portland and Seattle by law enforcement. It is more a “pity and scorn your enemy” exercise than a “know your enemy” endeavor.

“Swisher.” “LGBT prison abolishment group.” lolol.


This use of public records for :gasp: journalism is looked askance at by Antifa fluffers some journalists.

A couple of days ago, Ngo got an email from someone calling herself Sophie Peel, who alleged to work from the Willamette Week. It is the kind of email you get from a reporter who has decided you are the target of their next story, they’ve already written the story, and they are asking for you to comment on your indefensible behavior. What they really want is for you not to comment so they can add “so-and-so was asked for comment but refused” to their bill of indictment.


Here are some basic concepts they apparently don’t cover in journalism school. If you publish a public document, that is not doxing someone. Public records are public for a reason so that the public can use them. If you don’t want your arrest record to be released, don’t get arrested. These are not difficult ideas to grasp.

True to form, this article Portland Protesters Say Their Lives Were Upended by the Posting of Their Mug Shots on a Conservative Twitter Account appeared today:

On Aug. 7, Black activist Ragina Gray was tackled by Portland police at a protest and charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and interfering with an officer.

That same day, conservative Portland activist Andy Ngo shared Gray’s name and mug shot on Twitter.

“Gray, 30, is charged with interfering with an officer, resisting arrest and more,” Ngo wrote on Twitter. “She was arrested at the violent antifa protest in Portland and quickly bailed out. Gray is frequently photographed with kids at protests and rants about white terrorism.” The photo was retweeted by 475 people.

Twelve nights later, on Aug. 19, a man showed up on the doorstep of Gray’s mother’s eastside home. “He was sweaty and nervous looking, and he asked for Ragina by name,” says Lucinda Fisher, Gray’s mom. “He mentioned [Gray’s] son, and I noticed he had a gun in his hand.” Fisher slammed the door and called the police.

Twelve nights later, on Aug. 19, a man showed up on the doorstep of Gray’s mother’s eastside home. “He was sweaty and nervous looking, and he asked for Ragina by name,” says Lucinda Fisher, Gray’s mom. “He mentioned [Gray’s] son, and I noticed he had a gun in his hand.” Fisher slammed the door and called the police.

But what Ngo is doing is legal. The mug shots are public records. The arrests happened. And Ngo told WW that it is his “duty” to report on protesters who have been arrested, “given the risk that violence and riots present to the public.”

Ngo wrote WW via email: “I believe my duty as a journalist includes informing the public about individuals who are believed by criminal authorities to be sufficiently dangerous to the public that they meet the standard for arrest.”


This one is comedy gold with a happy ending:

Portland couple Erin and Phillip Wenzel started their evening Friday, Aug. 14, as they have more than 10 times before that.

They donned their protest outfits: full gas respirators, masks, bike helmets, and a bulletproof vest for Philip, who had been in the front of protests as part of the drum line. Erin, a medic toting a first aid kit, usually settled in a few rows behind the line of drummers.

That night, Phillip was arrested when the two of them were sandwiched between two lines of officers during a smoke-filled, chaotic confrontation captured on video that shows several protesters cowering under yellow shields as cops push them to the ground.

The next morning, Ngo posted his mug shot on his Twitter account, writing that Wenzel was “arrested at the violent #antifa protest.”

Ngo also posted a biography of Wenzel from the law firm where he works as a paralegal. In Twitter responses on the thread, users added threatening comments and more personal information about the Wenzels, including the names and ages of members of his extended family.

The Wenzels quickly deactivated all their social media accounts: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

The Wenzels alerted their employers. On Aug. 18, three days after Ngo posted the mug shot, Phillip Wenzel’s boss at Elizabeth Christy Law Firm sent him a letter that the firm had received 50 threatening or harassing communications since his arrest.

“Because you have chosen to engage in activism that has resulted in violence, physical injuries, and negative publicity for [the law firm], there is now a major distraction from the business we are doing, a threat to my ability to gain new business, and a threat to our employees’ safety,” Christy wrote in an email provided to WW.

Three employees, after learning of the firm’s response to Wenzel’s arrest, announced their resignation in support of him on Sept. 10, in a letter shared with WW. The firm told Wenzel in a Sept. 11 letter that he would be laid off effective Sept. 16, citing a loss of work leading to a reduction in staff. Elizabeth Christy, managing attorney at the firm, told WW in an email that the layoff had nothing to do with Wenzel’s protesting.

Both Wenzels say they now suffer from anxiety. Wenzel shaved his beard to change his appearance and now wears a hat when he walks his dog.


This is a twist to the story which, again, shows who is the real journalist here, Ngo or the propagandist Peel:

Not only did Peel simply take dictation from someone arrested for violent behavior, she didn’t even bother to check their information with, wait for it, public records to see if it was correct. And in the best agitprop tradition, they are refusing to correct the story.

Andy Ngo has covered these violent cretins at personal risk to himself. That something that portrays itself as a newspaper (as an aside, more people will read this story than read the Williamette Week) would attempt to intimidate and browbeat an actual journalist into not covering a story of immediate and national importance is beyond shameful.

Maybe if more outlets were willing to name and shame, assuming Antifa members are even capable of feeling that emotion, the violent rioters more of them would be slouched over, wearing a hat, and walking their dog rather rapidly than out burning and looting and shooting.



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