Moore to the Point - State of the Division

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Thursday night, President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union address — the third (and hopefully last) of his tenure. Ahead of the address, we were treated to glimpses of Biden's intended message. Most notably: "Whose side are you on?"


I was struck by the irony of Biden talking about "sides" in the context of remarks about our union. Think about that for a second: "Union" is defined as "a club, society, or association formed by people with a common interest or purpose."

And yet, from the previews of the anticipated theme of his address — and based on similar speeches he's given in the past — the president elected to speak of our terms of division. 

No doubt, there are times when drawing stark contrasts between your own stances and those of your political opposition is warranted. When campaigning, for instance. At political rallies. But is that the intended purpose of the State of the Union address? Gather Congress and various guests and the nation together so you can expound upon why half of those listening and watching are your enemies? 

Whose side am I on? That's an easy one for me, Joe. I'm on the side of America and its people. What about you?  


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This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, March 8th. Audio included below.


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