Moore to the Point - Cold Comfort Caucus

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

So, the big day is finally here - it’s Caucus Day in Iowa, and we’re soon to learn several key things: 

  1. How on (or off) the mark the polls have been 
  2. How dedicated Iowans are to their respective candidates in the face of negative high temps and wind chills
  3. Who overperforms, who underperforms, and who will head into New Hampshire and South Carolina with momentum 

The fact that Iowa’s winner hasn’t turned out to be the ultimate nominee in the past three competitive races is something to keep in mind, but that may not matter in the wild, wacky world of 2024. 


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Obviously, I have no say in what Iowans do, and by the time I do have my say — when Missourians caucus in early March — it may make zero difference, but I still intend to participate in the process. 

And in the meantime, my political junkie fix will be met by watching what those from the Hawkeye State actually do and analyzing what that means for the race going forward and the process itself. 

Whoever is declared Iowa’s winner when the smoke — or, in this case, snow — clears, it’ll be cold comfort unless and until that person goes on to win in November. 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, January 15th. Audio included below.


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