Moore to the Point - I Can't See the Other Side

AP Photo/Abed Abu Reash

I am trained to see both sides. In addition to being raised with the moral imperative of empathy and learning to walk a mile in other’s shoes, I had to learn to see the other side’s viewpoint and make the other side’s arguments in order to be an effective debater and litigator. Playing devil’s advocate is second nature to me. 


But I can’t see it here

I can’t see the rationale for slaughtering innocent civilians. I can’t wrap my brain around snatching women and children from their homes to use as hostages or human shields. I can’t see any justification for attacking, brutalizing, and murdering peace-loving concertgoers. I can’t fathom taking to the streets to celebrate this unspeakable evil. Or slyly offering words of tepid condemnation from the halls of Congress. 

I do know that there are thousands of innocents trapped and at the mercy of their so-called leaders. 

I know that there will be innocents who pay the price for the wicked ways of others. 

And I also know that there is no one beyond redemption - that any and all things are possible with God. That the answer to hatred and destruction and evil IS God’s love and mercy and grace. 

I’m going to focus as much as I can on that. Because I surely cannot see the other side. 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, October 9. Audio included below.


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