Report: The Behind the Scenes Code Red at ABC News After Stephanopoulos' Biden Comments Was Chef's Kiss

Townhall Media

As RedState reported Tuesday, longtime ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos raised eyebrows when he responded to a reporter's question about his thoughts on whether Joe Biden should step down by saying "I don't think he can serve four more years." 


Stephanopoulos' remarks came just a few days after his pre-recorded sit-down interview directly with Biden, where the current Oval Office occupant did absolutely nothing to quell the talk surrounding his disastrous June debate performance and the epic fallout that came after, which has included calls from top Democrats for him to withdraw from the race.  

READ MORE: Joe Biden's Big Interview With George Stephanopoulos Is Out, and It's an Absolute Trainwreck

Stephanopoulos, as RedState readers will recall, is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who was a spokesman/senior advisor for and central figure in Bill Clinton's presidency. So the interview not going well for Biden even though it was mostly softball questions from a like-minded prominent media figure was a further testament to how the wheels had completely fallen off the Biden Express.

But as it turns out, Stephanopoulos himself was the one sitting on the hot seat after his response to the TMZ journo, with execs at ABC News allegedly being furious and calling an emergency meeting, which resulted in a one-on-one with Stephanopoulos and a demand that he must issue a public apology or get pulled off the network. 



Because, laughably, they thought his supposed reputation as an objective journalist was at stake:

ABC bosses were reportedly concerned the veteran broadcaster had expressed a private opinion that would fatally undermine his appearance of objectivity.

'[ABC News division president Debra O'Connell told him] in no uncertain terms that he is a newsman who is expected to be objective,' the insider told Radar.

'She was furious that someone of George's experience and status would compromise the news division's impartiality, and subject it to unnecessary and embarrassing headlines.

'George backed Debra into a corner. If he did not apologize, how could he continue with his duties at ABC News without the network facing an avalanche of criticism.'

The insider, however, claimed that even though Stephanopoulos backed away from his comment and 'minimized it as a quip', ABC bosses knew the damage was done.

LOL. Um, earth to ABC News - there is not a politically in-tune person in this country who believes Stephanopoulos is "objective." I mean, seriously:


Nope, and that is something that the interview also reaffirmed, in addition to raising more questions and concerns about Biden's cognitive health.

In other words, if ABC News was truly worried about the appearance of political bias, maybe they shouldn't have brought on Bill Clinton's go-to war room guy in the first place. 

Though that ship has long sailed, it's still worth pointing out for the record, especially in light of the confirmation in recent weeks that the media were not in fact "duped" by the Biden administration on Biden's mental acuity situation. Just sayin'.

Flashback: ABC News Colleague Absolutely Nukes George Stephanopoulos's Claim Pence 'Mansplained' to Kamala During VP Debate


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