John Fetterman 2.0 Takes Bulldozer to Alma Mater Harvard During Yeshiva University Commencement Address

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

As we've previously reported, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) continues to impress with his staunch support for Israel in their war against Hamas terrorists, rejecting President Joe Biden's ultimatums and refusing to budge when his party bends the knee a little bit more each day in hopes that Biden can win the battleground state of Michigan in November.


Fetterman has remained steadfastly unapologetic in breaking with Biden and his fellow Democrats on their dangerous equivocating regarding the Israel-Hamas war, prompting the New York Times to write a recent hit piece filled with criticism from now-former supporters who don't like Fetterman's position on the Israel issue nor others on which he's taken a more right-leaning stance.

SEE ALSO-->> 'I Am Not Woke': Fetterman Continues to Surprise, Blasts Squatters and Violent Crime

On Wednesday, Sen. Fetterman appeared at the Yeshiva University commencement ceremony in New York City, where he was the featured speaker. During his speech, Fetterman took a bulldozer to Harvard University, his alma mater, slamming them for their lack of support for Jewish students in the aftermath of the October 7th terrorist attacks:

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) renounced his association with Harvard University over its “inability to stand up for the Jewish community” during his Yeshiva University commencement address on Wednesday, removing the crimson hood representing his alma mater while on stage.

Fetterman made the gesture early in his address, which culminated in him receiving the Presidential Medallion, the private Orthodox university’s highest honor, for his advocacy on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. He joked that he didn’t deserve to be in the same company as previous recipients of the award, describing himself as “just a senator with a big mouth that happens to be committed to standing with Israel.”


"Personally, I do not fundamentally believe that it is right for me to wear this today," Fetterman told the graduates, who along with faculty members and administrators stood up and applauded after he removed the red hood.


It was a bold move, and the right one especially in the eyes of those in attendance, coming just one day after Harvard administrators announced  "that the University and its leadership will refrain from taking official positions on controversial public policy issues" going forward in response to widespread criticism over their repeated failures to take the concerns of Jewish students seriously after the Hamas terror attacks.

Relatedly, I was rather shocked to find out that Fetterman was a Harvard Kennedy School grad (1999, Master's in Public Policy), but then again, Fetterman has shocked many of us quite a bit over the last six months or so in ways with which I am totally okay.


Ride on, Fetterman 2.0. Ride on.

The Senator's full speech, for those interested, can be watched below:

Flashback: Where Is Gisele Fetterman?


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