Politico News Outlet Ripped to Shreds After Disgraceful Headline on 'Messy' Afghanistan Withdrawal

Townhall Media

As RedState reported, Gen. Frank McKenzie, the former CENTCOM Commander, and Gen. Mark Milley, retired Joint Chiefs Chair, both testified during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing Tuesday on President Joe Biden's deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, with McKenzie, in particular, shining the harshest spotlight on the failures of the Biden administration. 


The August 2021 withdrawal and Abbey Gate terrorist attack, which some political observers say was the turning point for Joe Biden's approval ratings, left 13 United States servicemen and women dead along with 170 Afghan civilians. It also left scores more (including civilians and allies) either injured or left behind. It would also later claim the lives of 10 innocent Afghan family members as a result of a Kabul drone strike conducted by the U.S., which the Pentagon later acknowledged was a "tragic mistake."

READ: The 'Suicide Bomber' Killed by a Drone in Kabul Was an Aid Worker and the Biden White House Is Trying to Shift Blame

During the Tuesday hearing, Gen. Milley confirmed that some of the Afghan allies who helped the United States suffered greatly in the aftermath of the withdrawal:

So with all of that in mind, and the fact that to date no one has been held accountable for what happened, it was understandable that some folks saw red after reading this Politico headline on the hearing:


Republicans fixate on messy Afghanistan withdrawal

They also threw in a "chaotic exit" and a "bbbut Trump" for good measure in the article itself, because of course, they did:

The House Foreign Affairs Committee hammered the administration on Tuesday for its 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, seeking to keep the chaotic exit in the public eye even as the two retired generals who oversaw the evacuation offered few new details.


But it’s unclear just how much of a liability the war in Afghanistan will prove for Biden heading into a likely presidential matchup with Donald Trump, who initiated the withdrawal process by signing a deal with the Taliban.

While the switch from "pounce and seize" to "fixate" was amusing on some levels, no one was laughing over the term "messy" which seems a bit tame to use after one reflects on what exactly happened.


Politico knows this was more than just a "messy" and "chaotic" withdrawal, but they chose to characterize it that way because the goal is to Protect the Precious no matter how much damage it does to what little bit of credibility they have left.

As my colleague Bonchie is fond of saying, you don't hate the mainstream media enough. You truly don't.

Related: Joe Biden Fans the Flames With Concerning Reaction to Schumer's Call for Regime Change in Israel


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