'Reporter' Embarrassingly Rushes to Biden’s Rescue on Son’s Death Date, Gets Debunked by Her Own Network

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

One of the most concerning things to come out of the release of the Hur report in February was Special Counsel Robert Hur's observations about President Joe Biden's memory issues. 


"...Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory," Hur observed in the damning report

"He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died," Hur also noted.

This part in particular enraged Biden. In an impromptu presser called just hours after the report's release, Biden took to the podium, where he expressed outrage that Hur would "raise... the question" about his son's death.

READ: Things Get Tense After Tempers Flare Between Biden White House, Press Corps Over Hur Report Coverage

As it turned out, it was not Hur who "raised" the issue of Beau Biden's death. It was Joe Biden himself, which was reported a week after the Hur report was released and confirmed by the interview transcripts released Tuesday.

But national media reporters being what they are, some are trying to rush to Biden's rescue as Hur testifies before the House Judiciary Committee. 

Among them is CBS News senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang, who on Twitter proclaimed that the assertion Biden forgot when Beau passed away was "false" according to the transcript:


Except... the very CBS News report she linked to indicated that he forgot the year, and had to be told by a White House lawyer and another unidentified person:

The transcript of Hur's interview with Mr. Biden shows the president unable to identify the precise year — but that he correctly named the month and date.

"What month did Beau die? Oh God — May 30th," Mr. Biden asks the room. 

A White House lawyer responds, "2015."

"Was it 2015 he had died?" the president asks.

An unidentified person in the room replies, "It was May of 2015."

Mr. Biden agrees. "It was 2015," he said.

When it was pointed out to Jiang that her employer had undercut her spin, she just doubled down:


She then tripled down even after a reporter from NBC News corrected her:

I'd like to say in response to all of this that "you can't fix stupid," but Jiang isn't stupid. She knows exactly what she's doing - and is hoping nobody notices it.

Flashback: Ronny Jackson Rubs Salt in Joe Biden's Hur Report Wounds, Has Post-DNC Suggestion for Democrats


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