Coping Underway as Joe Biden, House Democrats Come to Terms With Reality

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

While Election Day 2022 obviously didn’t go anywhere near as well for Republicans as political prognosticators forecast and conservative commentators like my colleagues and I here at RedState thought they would, Democrat hopes and dreams of retaining the House and perhaps gaining a couple of seats in the process are fading fast as more results come in showing the GOP holding and flipping the remaining key House races they need to in order to retake the majority.


Even President Biden himself acknowledged during a G-20 presser in Indonesia Monday that he didn’t believe his party was “going to make it” in terms of keeping their power in the House:

Democrats’ slim hopes to retain the House majority appeared to dim on Monday, with the party likely not having enough runway in the remaining uncalled seats to squeak out a win.


It is a reality that Democratic Party leaders, including President Joe Biden, have acknowledged.

“I think we’re going to get very close in the House,” Biden told reporters at the G-20 summit in Indonesia on Monday. “I think it’s going to be very close, but I don’t think we’re going to make it.”

“I don’t think there’s enough votes to codify, unless something happens unusual in the House,” Biden also said regarding his October pre-election promise to codify Roe v. Wade in January if Democrats maintained their hold on the House and increased their razor-thin majority in the Senate.

As of Monday, the pathway for Democrats to defy the historical midterm election year odds on the House side got a lot narrower. As Decision Desk HQ announced earlier, two more seats in NY have flipped from Democrat to Republican. Anthony D’Esposito has been projected to win NY’s 4th Congressional District, and Marc Molinaro has been projected to win the 19th:


Republican Brandon Williams has also been projected to win the 22nd Congressional District race, making it a GOP hold (the seat was previously held by Rep. John Katko (R), who announced his retirement earlier this year):

Also, according to Cook Political’s Dave Wasserman on Sunday, “Between #AZ01, #AZ06 and #CA41, Dems’ dreams of holding the House majority probably died tonight.” On the Williams win in New York, Wasserman noted that it was “another critical seat for a narrow GOP House majority.”


As of this writing, DDHQ has the GOP at 215 with Democrats at 201. That leaves 19 races to be decided, with Republicans only needing three of them to clinch control.

We’ll keep you posted on the latest developments. As always, stay tuned.

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