Glenn Youngkin Gets Last Laugh After WaPo Issues ‘Clarification’ on Hit Piece That Fell Apart

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Much like the Miami Herald is the left’s go-to source for routine (and frequently bogus) attacks on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Washington Post has emerged as the media outlet most likely to launch dishonest hit pieces against Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, with an occasional assist from the Richmond Times-Dispatch.


The most recent case in point on this front was a piece the WaPo ran Friday in which they proclaimed in a sensationalistic headline that “All 133 Virginia school superintendents urge Youngkin to scrap tip line and content policy.”

For those who missed it, the Richmond Times-Dispatch eagerly shared the letter that the Washington Post claimed was allegedly signed off on/approved by all of the school superintendents in opposition to Youngkin’s parental rights tip-line and coordinated efforts among members of his administration to nuke the implementation of Critical Race Theory in public school classrooms:

The RTD reporter who posted the letter emphasized in a dramatic follow-up tweet that “That’s every sitting state superintendent in the state.” I mean, we were supposed to be really bowled over by this seemingly concerning development.


The problem with this “reporting,” as RedState explained at the time, was that “All 133 superintendents did not have a say in the letter. In fact, most of them never even saw it. Instead, the letter was voted on by a 12-panel board stocked with blue-blood liberals.” That was emphasized in write-ups done by WJLA and WRIC, both of which included quotes from some superintendents who confirmed they were not even aware of the letter.

Fast forward a few days, and Fox News reached out to the WaPo to see if they would be correcting their “reporting.” The paper responded by telling them that they had issued a “clarification,” which now appears at the top of the piece:

This article was clarified to explain that the letter to the state superintendent of schools from the Virginia Association of School Superintendents was written on behalf of the state’s 133 school superintendents and was approved by the board, but not signed by every member of the group.

Of course, even in their “clarification”, they don’t tell the full story about how it’s not just that the letter wasn’t signed by every superintendent but that some didn’t even know the letter existed until they read the report that appeared in the WaPo. And the headline hasn’t been changed, either, of course.


In any event, the fact that the Washington Post had to be shamed into correcting the record should be considered a big victory for Gov. Youngkin who, like DeSantis, has already faced an onslaught of bashing from the usual corners that they need to be prepared to soundly counter with receipts galore before the media/Dem-driven fake narratives can take root.

Related/Flashback: Here’s How We Know Glenn Youngkin Is Already Winning


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