Chuck Todd Can’t Deal After Bill Barr Points out an Inconvenient Truth About the ‘Woke’ Left

Katherine Frey/The Washington Post via AP, Pool

50 years from now when many of us are long gone, I think it’s a sure thing that the mainstream media are still going to be obsessing about former President Donald Trump and how he in their view tried to “steal” the 2020 election and was allegedly involved in instigating the January 2020 Capitol riot, which The Usual Suspects frequently (and wrongly) refer to as the “insurrection.”


It’s a topic that “Meet the Press” anchor and noted Democrat apologist Chuck Todd often revisits, which was the case when former Attorney General under Trump Bill Barr stopped by for an interview to talk about, among other things, his new book and his time serving as Trump’s AG.

Barr, as most people reading this already know, hasn’t always had the nicest things to say about Trump during his public appearances over the last year or so. Trump in turns has responded in kind.

But Barr has also raised eyebrows on the left and in the media in recent weeks regarding his comments about whether or not he’d support Trump in 2024. Barr told the TODAY Show’s Savannah Guthrie in a recent interview that though he would be supporting someone else in the primaries he didn’t envision a scenario where he wouldn’t support Trump should he become the GOP nominee again.

While that seemed to surprise Guthrie, when the same question was raised by Todd to Barr on Sunday, Barr’s answer generated an unintentionally revealing reaction from Todd:

CHUCK TODD: But I’m talking about you, you’ve had firsthand account [of Trump’s “temperament” and alleged “need to be surrounded by ‘yes’ men”]. You saw it up close.

WILLIAM BARR: Right, well, I think elections are a binary choice, and unfortunately sometimes it’s choosing the lesser of two evils. I believe that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is dangerous for the United States.

CHUCK TODD: You’ve said this quite a bit. It’s an uncomfortable thing to hear from somebody who was needing to provide equal justice under the law as Attorney General, because you said it while you were Attorney General. You really think the left in this country is somehow more dangerous than some issues around the world? I mean, you feel like —

WILLIAM BARR: No, I just said in terms of the leadership of the country, I think they would be a dangerous choice for the United States. Our system, the person who’s in charge of the administration of the criminal law, is a politically accountable official, and an official has to be politically accountable. But at the same time dedicated to providing equal justice based on law and facts with no favoritism or partisanship, which I did.



One of the more hilarious aspects of Todd’s “OMG you said this about the left and you’re supposed to be an ‘equal justice attorney general’?!?” response was in how he took exactly the opposite approach when it came to former President Barack Obama’s AG Eric Holder, as Newsbusters noted here:

That’s quite a change from Todd’s attitude toward Barack Obama’s wildly partisan Attorney General Eric Holder. After Holder announced he was leaving the Justice Department in 2014, Todd laughably hailed: “…he’s a very non-political person….Eric Holder wasn’t thinking about the politics of an issue….The guy wasn’t political at all…”

And you can best believe that if Holder was a guest of Todd’s in the near future, the fact that Holder has become even more wildly partisan in his post-AG actions would not be an issue that came up at all, because in Todd’s view it’s not an issue at all – since Holder is a leftist.

But what was even funnier was Todd’s insinuation that the progressives left could not possibly be worse than Trump, because in Todd’s view Trump had done a very dangerous thing in claiming the election was stolen and was also “temperamental” to boot. The problem with Todd taking issue with the claim is that he conveniently ignores that it’s the left that have been perpetuating an epic “Big Lie” since 2016 about that presidential election – even launching impeachment investigations over it, and have also dug their heels into the ground on the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election being “stolen.”


In fact, Democrat icons like Hillary Clinton – the 2016 loser, and Stacey Abrams – the 2018 loser, have been the loudest voices among them making such claims, and they’ve been treated with reverence by the same media types, including Todd, who have said since 2020 that questioning election results is dangerous for our democracy or something (but only when Republicans do it).

The ringleader of the Russia collusion lie – Hillary Clinton – could very well run for president again in 2024 if Biden decides to bow out. Stacey Abrams, who has yet to concede her 2018 loss, has already declared she’s running for governor in this year’s race. You think Chuck Todd would call them out for their repeated claims about their elections being “rigged”? Think he’d find it alarming and dangerous for guests to come on his show and express support for them?

Nope, because, again, the media are as always very selective in how they condemn people on these matters, which is why very few Republicans take them seriously in their accusations against Trump. And if you’re one of the Republicans who do take Todd and his ilk seriously on this stuff, you’re doing it wrong.

Related: Chuck Todd Meltdown Over GOP Midterm Messaging Strategy Is 50 Shades of Delicious


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