CNN's Don Lemon Went on Drunken 'Grown A** Man' New Year's Eve Rant That Needs to Be Discussed

CNN's Don Lemon (in purple sequin jacket) parties in New Orleans on New Year's Eve during live broadcast, 12/31/2021 (Credit: CNN)

Those who tuned into CNN to see the network’s usual cavalcade of drunken anchors and guests make wildly crude “jokes” and spill 50-gallon drums full of spiked tea on New Year’s Eve were not disappointed by this year’s embarrassing yet hilarious display.


For example, toasted Bravo TV host Andy Cohen lit up outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) during a back and forth with tipsy CNN host Anderson Cooper, pointing out among other things that the one thing Republicans and Democrats could agree on was that de Blasio was a “horrible” mayor for the city.

There was also CNN getting duped by raunchy troll tweets which they displayed on air, tweets that came from obviously fake accounts like Anita Dump, Ben Dover, and Seymour Butts.

The wildest moments, though, undoubtedly came from the segments involving Cooper’s equally self-important colleague Don Lemon, who was obviously three sheets to the wind and feeling no pain as he provided his version of “commentary” alongside fellow CNNer Alisyn Camerota and comedienne Dulce Sloan while celebrating the end of 2021 in New Orleans.

Though a couple of the more eye-opening ones have gotten more attention (which I’ll get to in a minute), one that needs to see more sunlight is the rant that the drunk “CNN Tonight” host, who donned a purple sequin jacket for the occasion, went on at one point where he basically told his critics to “F” off. He also alleged that the reason his critics take him to task so often is for no other reason than because he’s a “successful black man”:

As the clock approached midnight, Lemon, who appeared boisterous and more outspoken than usual, ranted: ‘I don’t give a — what you think about me, what do you think about that.’


‘I am who I am. I’m a grown, successful black man who a lot of people hate because they’re not used to people seeing me – and people like me – in the position that I am,’ Lemon continued.

To be able to share what I…my point of view on television, it freaks people out. And you know what? You can kiss my behind. I do not care.

‘I don’t care. I really don’t care. I have one life and this is who I am and I feel very, um…,’ at which point Sloan finished his sentence with the word ‘blessed’.

‘To be able to do this. So all the hate I get? It’s motivation to me. Bring it, I don’t care,’ Lemon, who joined CNN in September of 2006, concluded.



Here’s the short version of my response: Horse sh*t. Read on below if you’re interested in the longer version.

The main reason people dunk on Don Lemon is that he is about as disingenuous as they come, and here’s one big example of that: One minute he’s talking about how bad the Capitol riot was “for democracy” and how riots are not the way to resolve political disputes, and then the next minute he’s not only encouraging rioting when it comes to radical BLM/Antifa types but he’s actually making excuses for why those riots are supposedly justifiable in the context of American history.

Another reason people routinely criticize Don Lemon, drunk or not, is because he’s a flaming hypocrite. One minute he’s essentially calling Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a murderer for not implementing statewide coronavirus vaccine and mask mandates, but in the next he and his significant other are traveling to the Sunshine state for some time away, lounging poolside and then mingling with guests at posh hotel resorts while maskless.

Thirdly, the guy claims to be a “journalist” but as Fox News veteran anchor Bret Baier recently explained, Lemon and other media critics of Fox News clearly can’t distinguish between the opinion and news divisions at Fox News – primarily because the lines at CNN between such divisions are so blurred as to be non-existent, with Lemon being one of the main offenders. And the network has paid a very painful price for that in the cable news network rating wars, bless their hearts.


I could go on and on but I think the point has been made.

Lemon dropping the race card on this issue was as infuriatingly outrageous to me as AOC playing the woman card after being called out for her own hypocrisy regarding Florida. For all their talk about being “fierce” and “tough,” minority Democrats like Lemon and AOC love to default to the drama queen/damsel in distress routine when they can’t handle legitimate criticisms, which is pretty much all the time.

Not only does it do a disservice to actual victims of racism and sexism, but it’s also poor form. I mean, if in your position of power and influence you can’t take the heat, then get the hell out of the kitchen and make room for people who can and stop embarrassing the people who you claim to speak for/represent because at this point it’s just downright pathetic.

And speaking of that, here’s another one of those moments from CNN’s New Year’s Eve Live event where the cameras should have mercifully just panned away to something else:

Even worse was this moment, where Dulce Sloan had to repeat a crude joke about the male anatomy to Lemon three or four times before he “got it” – on live TV. Language warning ahead:


So much cringe. So little time to write about it all. But these were the highlights. Or, rather, the lowlights.

Flashback: Don Lemon Competes With Chris Cuomo for ‘Jerk of the Year’ Award in Rant on Dumping Trump-Supporting Friends


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