Ted Cruz Weighs in on Lin Wood Georgia Drama, Lays Things out in Starkest of Terms

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

In the event the Trump campaign is unsuccessful in their legal challenges against some of the questionable vote totals in key states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his vice presidential running mate Kamala Harris will be certified as the winners of the presidential election race later this month and sworn in a month later.


Along with the specter of a Biden-Harris administration are serious concerns about what could happen with the Senate in 2021. Though House Democrats lost big last month in their races, they are still holding on to a slim majority. In the Senate, however, the even slimmer Republican majority – which now stands at 50-48 – will be erased if Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock defeat incumbent Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the January 5th Senate runoff races in Georgia.

That would leave a Vice President Kamala Harris as the tiebreaker when Democrats needed one. It would also make current Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) the de facto Majority Leader, though he and current Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would share certain responsibilities.

Though there are very real concerns about what may have happened in the presidential race in Georgia, not even the Trump campaign nor even President Trump himself have been willing to go along with calls from attorney Lin Wood to sit out the Georgia Senate runoffs in protest. “…we must get out and help David and Kelly, two GREAT people,” Trump tweeted last week, noting he’d be campaigning for them in Georgia this coming Saturday. “Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very sick people.”

A number of Republican Senators, too, have planted their flags in the state in support of Loeffler and Perdue, pointing out that both of them losing the Senate would put Schumer in control of the agenda, which would have disastrous consequences. Wood is a “clown,” Cruz tweeted, and one who is misleading Georgia voters – just like a Democrat would:


Trump was able to accomplish a lot in his four years, but if Biden becomes president he’s going to erase some of that with the stroke of a pen. But other things will be much harder to undo if Republicans are able to hold the line in the Senate. Trump understands this, and Cruz, Loeffler, Perdue and all the other Republican Senators understand that as well. It’s pretty clear that either Lin Wood either doesn’t understand that or doesn’t care. Neither option is a good look.

That Wood wants to continue to dig into what happened in Georgia is great, maybe the smoking gun is close at hand. But in the meantime, there are other battles to be fought and that one is for control of the Senate. Even if one does believe fraud occurred in the presidential race, sitting out the Senate races assures there will be Republican losses on Jan. 5th. This country literally cannot afford for that to happen.

People can believe fraud happened and sit out in protest, which would guarantee two Republican losses, or they can go vote in record numbers and for Loeffler and Perdue in spite of it in order to give them a better chance of winning and to send a message that they will not be cowed. It’s that simple.


As my colleague Bonchie put it yesterday, “Wood has two choices. He can stop this madness of promoting the handing of the Senate to Democrats and take a different path, or he can be destroyed. Because now that Trump himself is involved, he’s going to find himself losing support in a big way.”


Related: Jon Ossoff Hands Republicans a Gift in Georgia Senate Runoff Races (Watch)


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