Self Awareness Fail: CNN's Chris Cillizza Wonders if Anyone is More 'Thin Skinned' Than Umpires, Gets Earful

Screen grab via Fox Sports.
World Series - Nationals Mgr. vs. Umpire
Screen grab via Fox Sports.

If you watched game six of the World Series Tuesday night between the Washington Nationals and the Houston Astros, you saw Nationals manager Dave Martinez get ejected after a heated dispute with an umpire over what many sports fans described as a really bad “out” call in the 7th inning.


For those who didn’t see it, here’s a quick recap of what happened:

Nationals manager Davey Martinez was ejected during the seventh inning of Game 6 of the World Series after a remarkably heated argument with officials.

Martinez, according to reports, was frustrated over Trea Turner being called out earlier in the inning. Despite the controversial interference call, an Anthony Rendon home run gave the Nationals a 5-2 lead.

Here’s the play and below that, Martinez getting ejected:

Sometime after the explosive exchange between Martinez and the umpire, CNN’s Chris Cillizza wondered out loud whether or not there were people out there who had thinner skins than Major League Baseball umpires:

Considering the source, some people understandably had some thoughts:


This one was probably the best of the bunch:

The consensus is clear: CNN has thinner skin than MLB umps.

Twitchy documented many more answers here.

The Nationals went on to win the game 7-2. Game 7 will be played tonight in Houston, and starts at 8:08 Eastern time.

— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –


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