WILLIAMS: Los Angeles' Insane Clown Posse

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

Ladies and gentlemen, voters of all ages...step right up, step right up and behold – The Greatest Sham on Earth! Featuring the homeless industrial complex that defines Los Angeles' so-called efforts to combat homelessness and provide affordable housing. Read on, as the web of deceit woven by those entrusted with the People's welfare is unraveled under the big top.


Imagine: a mind-blowing billion dollars a year, flushed down the drain in the name of fighting homelessness, only to see a whopping 43 percent surge in the homeless population! That's right, folks. An ever-growing number of people continue to suffer on the streets, abandoned by a system rigged against them, thanks to failed liberal policies.

So, who’s the Barnum & Bailey of this production? None other than the Democrats, whose corruption and incompetence knows no bounds. From Washington D.C. to Sacramento to L.A. City Hall, they can’t even keep track of people exiting the $250 million "Inside Safe” program, a cornerstone of L.A. Mayor Karen Bass’ homeless initiative.

But wait, here’s the next Act...

Proposition HHH was supposed to be the golden ticket, the $1.2 billion bond for affordable housing that promised to “significantly reduce people living on the streets”. But what did we get? Empty promises and bloated budgets, with some projects costing an eye-popping $700,000 per unit! We were sold a bottle of snake oil, plain and simple, while our brothers and sisters continued to languish.

And let's not forget about Measure H, a shameless cash grab disguised as a lifeline for the homeless. With bigwig developers pulling the strings like puppeteers, transparency and accountability were the performance’s theme. But surprise, surprise, it was all smoke and mirrors. Millions of dollars of our hard-earned cash funneled into shady nonprofits, while the real beneficiaries lined their pockets. 


Amazingly, the corruption didn’t stop there.

Los Angeles City Hall has been a den of thieves, with council members facing more charges than a criminal lineup. Bribery, conspiracy, money laundering – you name it, they've done it. And guess what? These are the same crooks tasked with tackling homelessness! It's like putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse, and we're the ones getting plucked. Mitch Englander, Jose Huizar, Mark Ridley-Thomas – a veritable troop of charlatans. These crooked politicians fooled voters with their “sleight of hand” while our neighborhoods crumbled to the ground like sand. But justice caught up with them, one by one, as they faced the consequences of their greed-fueled sideshows.

Then there’s Curren Price, the latest snake to slither into the spotlight. Conflict of interest, embezzlement, perjury – he's guilty as sin. Yet, he's still walking the tightrope of freedom, laughing in the face of justice while we foot the bill for his contorted crimes. 

And now, for the Grand Finale!

Ringmaster Maxine Waters and her Democrat cronies are carnival barking to draw support for her $260 billion homeless and affordable housing spectacle. But this time, we know better; there will be no buffoonery! Pouring more taxpayer cash into this cesspool of corruption and incompetence will just provide more money for the Democrats to make disappear... right before our eyes.


It really is like watching a three-ring circus, only in this case, insane clowns are running the show.

Los Angeles native Steve Williams is a commercial real estate broker and passionate community advocate and is challenging Maxine Waters this November; bringing accountability, not clownery, to California’s 43rdCongressional District. Learn more at www.steve4congress.com.


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