Trump Has Pathetic Poll Numbers and He's Dragging The GOP Down With Him

Condolences are likely in order to anyone in the room when President Trump sees the latest poll numbers from Quinnipiac this morning.

According to the latest, Trump has sunk to a new low nationally to a paltry 35 percent. However, among his own party, the president is soaring at 79 percent approval.


But among other groups, the president is struggling.

  • Democrats disapproved of the president’s performance 91%, compared to 6% who approved
  • Independents disapproved 57%, compared to 32%
  • Non-white voters disapproved 77%, compared to 16%
  • White voters disapproved 48%, compared to 43%
  • Women disapproved 63%, compared to 31%
  • Men disapproved 51%, compared to 39%

To put that in perspective, it took George W. Bush eight years, two unpopular wars and a housing crisis to hit those numbers, bottoming out at 28 percent in 2008.

Trump’s handling of the failure of the American Health Care Act last month met with 64 percent disapproval, compared to 28 percent approval.

The poll also shows that the Republican president is having an effect on GOP lawmakers as well. Congress has a 70 percent disapproval rating, while only 21 percent approve of the job they’re doing.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R – Wisc.) is currently less popular than House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D – Cali.)

It’s hard to imagine these numbers getting worse, but with Trump, it seems that the unimaginable becomes reality in short order. As Trump predicted, it seems Republicans have actually gotten tired of winning.


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