Trump Tweets To Cancel Boeing Air Force One Order; Stock Drops

We hear it every time President-elect Donald Trump tweets something ridiculous or clearly against the Constitution.

“He’s just trolling!”

“Don’t pay attention to his tweets. Wait for a campaign press release.”


But Donald Trump should be paid attention to. In forty-four days the man will effectively be the leader of the most powerful country in the world.

His words matter and have real world effects.

We saw it in real time this morning after the president-elect decided it would be wise to tweet this:

He then said a short time later that he thinks the cost of the Air Force One “program” costing $4 billion is “ridiculous” and that the aircraft manufacturer is “doing a bit of a number.”

In the minutes following Trump’s tweet, Boeing’s stock price fell 1.1% in premarket trade value.



Now, is there a chance that Boeing is inflating its cost for the new Air Force One? Sure, it’s Boeing. The recipient of a historic 2013 sweetheart deal with Washington state in order to keep it from building its 777x plant elsewhere.

But Boeing’s stock price affects many and it’s counted on for many American’s pensions and retirement accounts.

Of course, time will tell if Trump putting carrots and sticks in 140-characters or less is effective and wise or ultimately a fool’s errand.


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