Biden Appears Confused As He Finally Meets With Netanyahu, Israeli PM Gets the Last Laugh

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Biden's team showed exactly how little regard they have for Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when they didn't have Joe Biden or Kamala Harris show up to greet him at the airport. Kamala also blew off her duty of presiding over the Senate during Netanyahu's speech. The speech was a rousing one that, among other things, filleted the pro-Hamas radical leftist activists who were creating chaos near the Capitol in response.


Some Democrats (like Rashida Tlaib) who were at Netanyahu's speech showed they didn't know how to read the room or the moment by being obnoxious. Tlaib had a paddle accusing Israel of genocide, and Netanyahu of being a "war criminal." 

Initially, Biden canceled a meeting with Netanyahu, citing his COVID diagnosis.

READ MORE: Who's Running the Country? Netanyahu Left Hanging As Biden, Harris Go MIA

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But Netanyahu finally did end up meeting with Biden, on Thursday at the White House: 

Netanyahu was polite despite the earlier diss from the Biden team, although what he said about Biden knowing every Israeli prime minister for 50 years was a nice way of emphasizing how old Biden is. Biden tried to rebut that with a joke, claiming he was only "12" then. No one laughed. 


Biden smirked while refusing to answer any questions, and the reporters got thrown out. Then he got this weird look on his face: 

Funny, too, how you no longer have to wait 10 days after having "COVID" before you meet with world leaders. 

Then, there was this picture, where he looks completely out of it, with this confused, almost scared, look on his face: 

But the incredibly ironic thing here in this meeting? 

The Biden team, like the Obama team before it, tried to push Netanyahu out a few months ago. Biden even said that they had to have "come to Jesus" talk with Netanyahu, in an epically bad turn of phrase. Biden was "fuming" and supposedly calling Netanyahu  an "a**hole" behind the scenes.  Biden just wouldn't stop interfering and getting in the way of Israel trying to crush Hamas. 

READ MORE: Report: WH Trying to Force Bibi Out, He Crushes Biden in Remarks and It May Backfire on Joe


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Yet, now it's Biden who has been pushed out by his own "friends" because they just don't believe he can win. They don't care about Biden; all they care about is holding on to power. When they thought he was a threat to that, they tossed him out like day-old bread. He'll be out soon in January and yesterday's news, while Netanyahu is still there, getting the last laugh. 

Now, that's real karma.


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