Bill Maher Decimates Biden and Predicts the Date He Will Be Forced Out

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Bill Maher decimated Joe Biden's hopes of staying on, with the "Real Time" host's indictment of the "mean girl" elite which he said wouldn't allow that to happen. 


Warning for graphic language

“The issue with President Biden isn’t if, it’s who, Who will replace him? Because he is not going to be the Democrats’ candidate for president in 2024, all due respect," he said.

Maher then made a funny but truly on-target comment, that the one thing he knew about the elites running the show "in the press, in politics, in life" is that they were "mean girls." 

Indeed. As we keep hearing, it isn't really Biden running the show. And in a greater sense, it's the elites in media and government that want to control things, regardless of who they want to put in position. 

The lust to finish Biden off "will not be denied....Biden is toast," he said. "The walls will keep crumbling." 

Maher said his pick for when Biden would finally give in and give it up is August 9. He thought it will be a big thing for three days and then everyone will get over it, like a coworker who gets her "t*ts done." "America is going to do this, we're going to get new t*ts," he said. 

He may be right. Right now, the question seems to be seesawing back and forth as Biden continues to try to hang on, and his inner circle tries to hide the news from him about how bad he's doing in the polls and how slim his chances are getting. Meanwhile, Democrats are abandoning him and giving him the cold shoulder. 


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Maher mentioned different possibilities including Kamala Harris, who he dinged as unpopular and without accomplishments:  

“I don’t vote for who will be the first, I vote for who would win and for whatever reason, Harris has never been popular,” Maher said before ripping on Harris’ failed presidential campaign four years ago.

“You can count the number of delegates she won in the 2020 primaries on one hand, as long as that hand has no fingers.”

“In three years as vice president, she has been quieter than an electric car.”

He also teased how much California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants the job. 

“I don’t want to say he really wants to be the guy who steps in if the current nominee goes down, but he gets an alert on his phone every time Biden forgets a word,”

He also shot down any possibility of Michelle Obama. 

The problem, of course, is that any replacement will still have the same bad Democratic policies, even if the person is marginally more coherent. And the reason the elites want to switch out Biden is not because they're trying to be moral and have someone who is coherent. They didn't care, when they put him in there to begin with--or while they were trying to cover up what was going on. They want to replace him because they're afraid he's going to lose. 


They also don't care about going around the voters who voted for Biden in the primary, and who they've deceived about Biden's condition, either. 

So much for democracy. That's just a term they pull out to sound noble, not even understanding the true nature of our Republic. It's all about control.

READ MORE:  Report: Jill's Deep Grudge Against Kamala and How That Factors Into Decision Not to Step Aside


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