WATCH: Even Rachel Maddow Is Questioning Whether Biden Is Dealing in Reality

AP Photo/Steven Senne

Defendants and liberal media are engaging in a whole lot of copium when it comes to how Joe Biden did during his NATO "Big Boy" press conference on Thursday. 


As we noted, the Biden team is even trying to claim he did a good job when it came to foreign policy. That's just straight-up delusion. That probably is a tough sell when you can't even keep straight that your political opponent is not the vice president, and the guy you've been funneling all our money to in Ukraine is not Vladimir Putin. That's what most people are going to remember and take away from the presser — perhaps along with the general sense of Biden's delusion. 

READ MORE: Biden Team Gets Dunked Into Next Week After What May Be the Most Delusional Remark on Biden Presser

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Even Rachel Maddow realized there was a problem with what Biden was saying. What she said about it was pretty hilarious.

Maddow pointed out that what Biden said about "polling numbers" for incumbents "was not factually accurate" versus the real history. 

"That's worrying," Maddow said, because that makes her worry that Biden is "being given information about his political standing that may not be based in reality, that may be sunnier than is real."


What a thought! You mean Biden said something not based in reality? It must be a day ending in "y." Biden is constantly refusing delivery on reality. Oh, and Rachel? When someone says something they know is not factually accurate, that's called a "lie." 

She's right about Biden's numbers being a problem. CNN's Harry Enten has shown Biden is doing very badly for Democrats in light of prior numbers. Biden's numbers were much better in 2020 and you'd have to go back 24 years to where Republicans were leading in the national vote at this point in July. That's how much trouble Biden is in and it's bad when even Maddow is pointing it out. 

READ MORE: CNN's Harry Enten Blows Up Biden's Latest Delusion About the Race

Plus, Biden may be delusional, at least in part because he's been feeding on a healthy dose of nonsense from Maddow and MSNBC, not to mention whatever pap he may have been given by his inner circle to assuage him. Maddow talks about not being based in reality — has she checked in on that Russia collusion delusion recently? She's been a big part of that "unreality" that she sees him indulging in. 


The four on that MSNBC panel are like a festival of unreality. 

Then she's also acknowledging by this that Biden may have Democrats essentially lying to him. So she's basically dinging his inner circle/the folks feeding him information. 

It must be something in the air/talking points out there because David Axelrod said something similar about Biden being given bad numbers: "It sounds like Biden's team has not been very candid with him about what the data is showing."

READ MORE: David Axelrod Throws Biden Under the Bus, Disputes Presser Claim ‘No One’, ‘No Poll’ Says He Can’t Win

That spells trouble not only when he's being fed false information and he can't handle the truth. 

Does that extend to other issues as well? 


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