CNN Stunned at Biden's Drop With Black Voters—and Trump's Rise—Now Approaching 'Historic Performance'

AP Photo/Matt Kelley

We've seen a variety of polls showing Joe Biden is having trouble with black voters. His opponent former President Donald Trump has also been reaching out to black voters in places with events in places like the South Bronx and Detroit, and his numbers with black voters have grown. 



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But even CNN's data analyst Harry Enten was stunned by the numbers he's seeing now.

“I keep looking for this to change, to go back to a historical norm and it, simply put, has not yet. So this is the margin, or Biden and Trump among black voters, compare where we were at this point in 2020, compare to where we are now. At this point, look at this. In 2020, Joe Biden was getting 86% of the African American vote. Look at where it is now. It’s 70%, that’s a 16-point drop, John,” Enten told host John Berman. 

“And more than that, it’s not just that Joe Biden is losing ground. It’s that Donald Trump is gaining ground. You go from 7%, single-digits at this point in 2020, to now 21% and again, John, I keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal and I don’t see it yet in the polling of anything right now. We’re careening towards a historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades.”


Where is the change coming in? When Enten looked at the crosstabs for the data, he said they showed how black voters over 50 had lost a little, going from 83 to 74 percent. Meanwhile, Trump has tripled his support from seven percent to 21 percent. But where Biden and the Democrats were really hemorrhaging was with the black voters under 50. That's what really shocked Enten. 

“Look at black voters under the age of 50,” the data reporter continued. “Holy cow, folks, holy cow. Look at this. Joe Biden was up by 80 points among this group back at this point in 2020, look at where that margin has careened down towards. It’s now just, get this, 37 points. That lead has dropped by more than half, Mr. Berman. I’ve just never seen anything like this. I’m like speechless because you always look at history and you go, ‘okay, this is a historic moment.’ If this polling is anywhere near correct, we’re looking at a historic moment right now, where black voters under the age of 50, which have historically been such a big part of the democratic coalition, are leaving in droves.”

Berman called it a "huge drop" over four years. Yes, that's even putting it mildly -- it's 43 points. No wonder the Biden team is freaking out. 

Enten noted that when factoring in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in battleground states, it hurts Biden more. Then his numbers with black voters drop to "less than half the vote among black voters," Enten said.  


But they shouldn't be shocked. Biden has brought calamity to the U.S. in so many ways and he's incoherent on top of it all, to boot. People including black voters get it, they know how it's affecting them in their wallets. 

If that holds, it could spell doom for Biden, particularly in light of all of Biden's other issues and people who are fleeing him. Not only that, with voters under 50, that can bode well for the future if Republicans can hold that support. 

Enten previously said that the shift would be devastating in the electoral votes and could shift multiple swing states to Trump, including Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia to Trump. 

That would pretty much be the ball game right there. 


'HUGE ALARM' for Biden: CNN Explains Black Voter Numbers and What That Means for Electoral Votes


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