Biden Tells Yet Another Bizarre Origin Story While He's in France

AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani

Joe Biden was in France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day and now, for a state dinner in Paris. 

We've already seen Biden's confusion on parade and the media seemingly trying to cover for him with"fact checks" of one of his weird moments during the ceremony, while themselves editing out some of the context. If they have to work that hard to try to dispel concerns about Biden, when their video goes viral and most of the response calls them out, they're already losing. 



AP 'Factcheck' of Biden's Normandy Moment Doesn't Actually 'Factcheck' Anything

Biden Gets Caught With Embarrassing Hot Mic Moment During D-Day Ceremonies

Biden's Awkward Moments of Confusion in Normandy

But frankly, they're going to have to work hard to try to "debunk" everything because he's still there in France, and he's still talking: 

The state visit began with a ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe, including a wreath-laying at France's tomb of the unknown soldier, and a military parade along the Champs-Élysées leading to the Élysée Palace, where the two held official meetings and delivered public statements. Later, there is a state dinner at the palace for Biden and his wife, Jill.

Since he's in France, talking to French people, you know he's going to have to come up with a new origin story to add to his long list of things he claims he is. 

He claimed that he was impressed with the Champs-Élysées as a "student of French history."

Was that before or after he was a Puerto Rican coal miner who spent his youth hanging out fighting for Civil Rights, and going to temple and the black church? He just can't stop himself, he always has to insert himself into the equation. He really has no shame. He doesn't even seem to know American history or government, let alone French history, when he does things like attack the Supreme Court or gun rights. 


Vive la France!

Biden seemed further confused when he talked about the "only existential threat to humanity" -- climate change. 

Then he added in nuclear weapons. Which is it? Meanwhile, he and his wife are flying back and forth to France and have dozens of cars in the motorcade he uses. But rules for thee, and not for me. It doesn't sound like you're taking it very seriously. 

Biden appeared very old and mumbled throughout. Finally, after just a few remarks, he staggered off the stage, ignoring questions. 

But hey, don't say "low energy" here. 


What must President Macron think? He seems to treat him a bit like an "old grandpa," for whom you have to watch out. It looks like "Weekend at Bernie's." 

But the AP will probably tell you to deny the evidence of your own eyes.


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