Bill Maher's Comment on Why Biden Will Lose Is Going to Drive Dems Nuts

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Bill Maher is still suffering from intense Trump Derangement Syndrome. This despite the fact that Megyn Kelly blew up a lot of his false assumptions about the former and possibly future president. 



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But in his Club Random podcast he said something that's likely going to drive the Biden team and the Democrats to distraction. He told journalist Kara Swisher that even though he supports Biden and  would "vote for [Biden's] head in a jar of blue liquid" over Trump, Biden is "going to f**king lose."

Swisher disagreed, but her argument didn't make a lot of sense. She said there would be "a silent majority of voters — particularly female voters — who would never vote for Trump and would back Biden in November as the 'less problematic' candidate."

The problem with that argument is that those voters don't have any reason to be "silent," and they're not. Those are one of the few contingents that Biden has remaining in polling. 


On the other hand, Maher's point made much more sense — that there's the "shy Trump voter who is the one who's going to vote for Trump but doesn't want you to know." Indeed, because they may have people around them who would attack them for it. So they'll vote, but they won't necessarily telegraph it.  

So those people may not even be fully showing up in polls yet, and the polls already have Trump up over Biden. 

I think he's right. We're already seeing a lot of people, including black and Hispanic voters, fleeing Biden, with some going to Trump because they remember how much better it was and how everything wasn't in chaos. That's not to mention some on the far left leaving Biden over Israel, voters he may not get back. 


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Maher also addressed his critics on the left who've said he's "changed" over the years because of his reputation for calling out the "woke" left.

"That's so much more about them," he told Swisher of his liberal critics. "That's so much more about being locked in your tribal silo."

"That’s not who I’m working to anymore," he continued, adding that these people have to "fit into a trope."


He's a classical liberal, which is why so much of the woke left and anti-free speech nature of the Democrats doesn't make sense to him. He hasn't moved, but the Democrats have, as they've gone careening to the left. That's why the former "moderate" Biden is now a puppet for the far left. 

But it's also another reason the Democrats are likely to lose — because of all the former Democrats like Elon Musk who are looking at what has gone on and said, "Enough already, this is crazy." 


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