What Happened to Catherine Herridge's Files: Sources Dish, CBS Responds

AP Photo/Chris Pizzello

Americans were shocked when CBS fired one of their best journalists, Catherine Herridge, as part of hundreds of blood bath layoffs. 

That was bad enough. But then when the news broke that they'd seized her files, records and computers, the concern hit an even higher pitch as this not only put her sources at risk, but the precedent it was setting was very troubling for all journalists contemplating the consequences of a company doing something like this. 


Many suspected there was more to the Herridge layoff than just money because of her Biden investigations. 

Reports were that she had roadblocks from higher-ups over her Hunter Biden coverage and had also clashed with CBS News President Ingrid-Ciprian Matthews,

On Thursday, Catherine Herridge posted an update from SAG-AFTRA who represents broadcast journalists and who condemned CBS' actions. SAG-AFTRA said that CBS was responding to them so they hoped that this could be resolved and she could get her files back. 


Catherine Herridge Posts Important Update on CBS' Seizure of Her Files

CBS Blasted for Seizing Catherine Herridge's Files, 'Information From Privileged Sources' After Firing

I don't think that CBS thought that there was going to be such a huge backlash to their actions. 

But now sources are dishing on what happened to Herridge's things.

“It’s so extraordinary,” a source familiar with the situation told The Post, noting that the files — which are presumptively now the property of CBS News — most likely contain confidential material from Herridge’s stints at both Fox and CBS. 

The source said the network boxed up all her personal belongings except for Herridge’s notes and files and informed her that it would decide what — if anything — would be returned to her. 

“They never seize documents [when you’re let go],” a second source close to the network said.

“They want to see what damaging documents she has.”


The speculation runs from Biden documents to anything that she might have on her sources in her First Amendment court fight. Or perhaps as one of the sources speculated that she might have information that could be relevant to a wrongful termination action. 

Meanwhile, CBS is weighing in with a statement of their own, hoping to calm the anger. 

We have respected her request to not go through the files, and out of our concern for confidential sources, the office she occupied has remained secure since her departure,” the rep told The Post.

“We are prepared to pack up the rest of her files immediately on her behalf – with her representative present as she requested.”

Now if I compare what the sources say to what CBS is saying, the obvious question to me is that, assuming what the sources are saying is true, how do you determine what her "personal belongings" are unless you're going through her office/things? And forgive me if I don't feel too assured by CBS' statement that they haven't gone through her files. Why do this to begin with? They haven't explained why they took such an unprecedented action. 

The thing is they just made everything worse with this action and threw whatever reputation they may have had left down the trash heap. They put more focus on the whole question. And they also might have just put themselves in the middle of the First Amendment case. 


Insiders said that there are concerns that CBS could be subpoenaed to reveal her source’s identity, which would threaten free press principles. 

“This is a company that only plays checkers. They don’t play chess,” the second source said. 

“They don’t understand the ramifications of their actions.”


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