Bill Maher Crushes Sununu's Dreams and Drags Him Into Reality Regarding Nikki Haley, the GOP Primary

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has been making the media rounds, pitching for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. 


He went on Bill Maher's "Real Time" show, but Maher crushed his dreams for Haley in the primary. Sununu claimed that former President Donald Trump wanted to face trial on March 4 because it would likely increase his poll numbers. Maher pooh-poohed that.

Then Sununu argued that all Trump cared about was securing the nomination. That's when Fox's Jessica Tarlov protested that Trump had the nomination. And that's when it got kind of funny—as Sununu protested on Haley's behalf. 

“No, he does not!" he cried. "Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley 2024. And I mean it,” Sununu insisted, slapping the table for emphasis, as though it will help Haley get higher numbers.

But Maher was not going to let that go.

“Let’s deal in reality,” Maher responded. “Reality. First of all, Nikki Haley’s not gonna to be the nominee, it is Trump. Let’s not argue about stupid things. Secondly..."


Sununu interrupted him and said if he was saying that, he was buying into the idea that the voters don't matter. 

That's when Maher dropped the reality bomb on Sununu, “The voters do matter and they’re voting for Trump overwhelmingly.”

Sununu said but there were other states and Super Tuesday yet to come, all of which have Trump leading. 

Maher then offered him a bet, 100 to 1—100 of Maher's dollars for one of Sununu's that he, Maher, was right. 

But Sununu didn't say he would take the bet; he acknowledged it would be tough. So much for that challenge. 

That was a bit embarrassing. 

That was followed by a spot on "Saturday Night Live" by Haley, which many Republicans found cringeworthy not only because it wasn't funny, but going on a liberal show isn't appealing to Republicans. She already was accused on social media, at the end of the week, for sharing fake fan letters. So, it's not been the best weekend for her media relations with Republicans. 

But if Haley isn't done yet, and many thought she was including Tarlov and Maher, if she loses South Carolina, as it looks like she will, then she will be done whether she thinks so or not. Even if she stays in after South Carolina, she won't be taken seriously as a possibility, since it's her home state and arguably the place she should do the best. The problem for her? South Carolina, right now, has Trump with big numbers in the lead. 


That doesn't look good for Haley. 


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