Whoops: Biden Makes a Damning Admission About His Response to the Houthis

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It must always be an adventure for reporters when they're asking Joe Biden questions. They never know what he might say in response. Frequently, it makes no sense or it is miles removed from the truth. Sometimes, he says or admits things that he probably isn't supposed to say. 


The White House reporters managed to grab him on the South Lawn on Thursday, as he was leaving to campaign in North Carolina and sell people on Bidenomics. He keeps pushing that, despite the fact that people aren't buying it. 

Reporters wanted to know about what was going on with Iran and the Houthis. 

Are the airstrikes against the Houthis working? one of them asked him. That's when Biden admitted something his people probably would have preferred he didn't. 

"When you say 'working,' are they stopping the Houthis? No," Biden said. But he said they would continue. 

Funny how saying "Don't" and delisting terrorists tends to embolden them. Now, he has a much bigger problem on his hands. That's Biden in a nutshell, though. It's not working, so let's keep doing it. So, knowing that, what is he doing to stop them? 

He was asked if he was worried about the Arab-American vote, and that many voters are disinclined to vote for him because of his position on the Israeli-Hamas war. 


Biden claimed--without any evidence--that former President Donald Trump wanted to put a ban on Arabs coming into the country. Then, his voice trailed off because he had no real response to the question. 

What he said was just a deflection from the real problem that Biden has on the left. He's going to need the left to hold him up. But many are very upset at him over his positions on the war. So, while they might not vote for Trump, they may stay home in numbers enough to hurt Biden badly in the election. Of course, he doesn't want to admit that, but that's a real problem for him. 

Biden was also asked about the strike on Iran by the Pakistanis because Iran fired on them. 

Biden looked like he had no idea what he was being asked about. I think that's the look when he's confused, and has not been prepped on what to say by his handlers. 


Then he added they're "not well liked in the region."  

No kidding. Yet, he's been cozying up to these characters, who have been chanting "Death to America" for decades, and supporting terrorists against us. He just discovered they're "not well liked" now?  

What a mess these guys are. And we still have no definitive answer from them about the missing SEALs. They gave an abysmal answer, after they've been "missing" for a week. 


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