Adam Schiff Gets a Scolding and a Schooling After Spreading Border Drowning Falsehood

Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP

As we reported, the White House and the media spread a despicable lie to attack Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas for daring to defend the border when the Biden administration wouldn't allow the CBP to do so. They were disturbed about Texas occupying Federal facilities and booting the CBP, so that there might be some real border defense. 


The White House and the media spread a story that the Texas officials prevented the CBP from saving illegal aliens, who were drowning near Eagle Pass while trying to enter Texas illegally.  

Read more: 

The Media Lie of Greg Abbott Causing Immigrant Drownings Is the New Version of ‘Israel Bombs a Hospital’

Biden Admin, Dems Push False Narrative of Illegal Immigrant Deaths at Texas Border, Blame Gov. Abbott

Don't Mess With Texas. Texas National Guard Occupies Immigration Checkpoint and Boots the Border Patrol

Despite the fact that this story was untrue, that didn't stop Democrats like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) from spreading the falsehood and leaving it up on X--even after the story had been roundly debunked. Indeed, it's still there, showing exactly what we've already known about Schiff's lack of regard for the truth. 


But Fox's Bill Melugin, who has been very assiduous in detailing all the facts of the border crisis, wasn't having any of tha,t and blasted him for still pushing the false story, Even the story Schiff cites has now been updated, but Schiff doesn't seem to care about that. 

News Nation's Ali Bradley also pointed out the problem, noting the DOJ filing showed what Schiff was saying was untrue. 

 Then Jorge Ventura, who also covers the border a lot, finished Schiff, and the people who spread this nonsense, off.  He notes that the area has many drownings, yet people don't care unless they can try to use it for a political reason. 


That's on the Biden team because of the failure to properly secure the border that encourages some efforts. If the Democrats truly cared more about the people than the politics, they would want the border to be secured. But they don't. 


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