Trump Team Blasts Political and 'Deeply Undemocratic' Colorado Decision Taking Away Rights of Voters

AP Photo/Mike Mulholland

As we reported, the Colorado Supreme Court just ruled that former President Donald Trump could not be on the primary ballot for president in Colorado based on the Constitution's 14th Amendment and the insurrection clause. 


BREAKING: Colorado Supreme Court Votes to Boot Trump Off the Ballot Using the 14th Amendment

The decision was made by judges who were all appointed by Democratic governors. 

But the Court stayed implementation of the decision to allow the Trump team to appeal to the Supreme Court on the matter and see if they would take it up. 

The Trump campaign team immediately fired off an email blasting the ruling as a political decision by a Democratic Court that was disenfranchising millions of voters as a result. 

"Unsurprisingly, the all-Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against President Trump, supporting a Soros-funded, left-wing group’s scheme to interfere in an election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden by removing President Trump’s name from the ballot and eliminating the rights of Colorado voters to vote for the candidate of their choice. Democrat Party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing, dominant lead President Trump has amassed in the polls. They have lost faith in the failed Biden presidency and are now doing everything they can to stop the American voters from throwing them out of office next November. The Colorado Supreme Court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal to the United States Supreme Court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. We have full confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these unAmerican lawsuits.”


Talk about voter suppression, this is truly preventing people from voting for the candidate of their choice right in front of our faces. This is an unconscionable decision. 

The campaign statement is right on the money. They now believe they can't succeed at the ballot box where they are losing to Trump, including in the critical swing states. They have the young -- the voting bloc that Joe Biden desperately needs -- calling him "grandpa" and saying they wouldn't vote for him. That's the fix the Democrats are in now with voters. They haven't been successful with the lawfare against Trump in getting him out of the election with the criminal actions. So all they have left is the Hail Mary effort to employ the 14th Amendment because they're running out of options and out of time. 

This may not last if the Supreme Court gets ahold of it. Courts shouldn't get to tell us who we have the right to vote for, especially not under such political circumstances. So much for the Democrats' claim that care about "democracy" or the rule of the law when they pursue such an undemocratic move. Of course they don't care about "democracy'; they care about power. Democrats always project, and we're seeing the real danger to our electoral process here.



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