Biden Tries to Duck Questions on Hunter's Statement, but KJP Gives Him Up and Shows His Hypocrisy

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden gave some brief remarks on Wednesday. You knew that reporters were going to be asking him about his son defying a congressional subpoena and the impeachment inquiry that's starting against him. 


BREAKING: Hunter Biden Skips Deposition After Self-Serving Speech, Invites Contempt Charge

Biden didn't sound well. He seems to be having more of this coughing and more slurring of late. 

But after just a couple of minutes of remarks, Biden tossed the press out and refused to answer questions about the impeachment or his son blowing off the subpoena. 

Notice the creepy smirk he gives as he ducks the questions. This is an attitude he's displayed before, like he has no obligation at all to respond to questions, as though he's royal rather than someone who's supposed to be serving the people. 

Even though he blew off the questions, the reporters then followed up with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who while ducking most of their queries, did say something that gave Biden up a bit when it came to Hunter. 

Answering a question by Rob Crilly, she admitted Biden was "familiar" with the statement made by Hunter. Crilly asked if Biden was involved in making the statement in any way. 


She wouldn't be drawn in on that one. 

But Crilly continued. "You were asked what the President -- what his stance was on people who defy congressional subpoenas," Crilly said. "In 2021, he was that...and he said he believes the Justice Dept should prosecute them. Is that still his position?"

Of course, Karine Jean-Pierre couldn't answer that one, saying she had nothing to add. Because then Biden would have to call out his own son. 

Peter Doocy tried to get a real answer, asking if there was any attempt by Joe to talk Hunter out of blowing off the subpoena.


KJP made a joke about if he would ask his father Steve Doocy. 

But it was already too late now that she admitted Joe was familiar with it; she had the reporters going and showing this contradicted Biden's prior position on the subject. 

Did Biden give his son advice on the subpoena? Did he tell his son to blow it off? Did Joe try to obstruct an effort to question Hunter? That might be a good first question to ask him if they do get a chance to grill him. 


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