CNN Leaks Scoops From Liz Cheney's Book and the Mockery Has Already Begun

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Someone's going to have to help me with this one: Exactly who is the audience for a new book from Liz Cheney continuing her obsession with former President Donald Trump? 


I mean, apart from her dad, Adam Kinzinger, and maybe a few Democrats, just exactly who is going to rush out and buy it? Mitt Romney? Democrats have no real use for her anymore, either, so I'm not even sure she'll get many of them.

Certainly, she won't get the people of Wyoming, who turned her out of office in a resounding way by Trump-backed Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY), who won by almost 40 points. Constituents tend not to like it when you don't seem to care about their concerns and are more concerned with your own vendettas. Cheney's response to the blowout loss was to say she was keeping her options open about running for president. The living in fantasyland was remarkable. 

However, that isn't stopping CNN from trumpeting this thing. They got copy for their anti-Trump audience when she was targeting Trump on the Jan. 6 Committee, and now they're giving her coverage, pretending like her book matters. In the book, she attacks various GOP leaders as "enablers and collaborators" and calls Trump the "most dangerous man ever to inhabit the Oval Office." That tells you right there that she has no credibility. And while her book doesn't matter to most Americans, it may serve CNN's general anti-Trump stance. 


But even Tapper questioned one part of the story Cheney was relating, where Cheney claims McCarthy told her Trump was depressed after the election and "wasn't eating." 

Now, the questioning by Tapper about being a "man of healthy appetite" is a shot at Trump. But believe him, Tapper doesn't mean that "disparagingly." (Sure he doesn't. Can we talk about the bias here?) Democrats attack Trump over his diet all the time, so Tapper is playing into that while not giving a darn about the abject incoherence of Joe Biden. But this shows again how Democrats and the Never Trump folks like Cheney can't even get their attacks on the same page — which is it: healthy appetite or can't eat? Does anyone believe any of this? 

Again, they seem more interesting in appealing to the Trump haters in their audience than being an objective news network, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't even make sense. 


Trump spokesman Steven Cheung told CNN that Cheney’s book should be “in the fiction section of the bookstore.”

People weren't buying what Cheney was selling or CNN's promotion of the book. 

The one potential audience? Bored box wine moms who like bad fiction.


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