Unreal: Biden Team Considering Cutting Loose Billions More to Iran

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

At this point, one would have to think that the Biden administration is either the most ignorant ever or they're consciously trying to hurt the United States and American interests. 


They came under a lot of fire for cutting loose $6 billion in funds to Iran in October. Many saw that as potentially helping Israel's enemies since knowing that they were getting money would mean that they could spend money on other things -- like funding Hamas terrorism. 

So you would think that maybe they'd learned a lesson from the criticism. 

But then you wouldn't know the Biden team that never seems to learn anything or admit to doing anything wrong. 

Even for the generally incompetent administration, the report that they're considering giving even more money to Iran, even after the Hamas attack on Israel, is stunning. 

According to a new report that Townhall cites from Free Beacon, the Biden team is considering approving a sanctions waiver that will allow Iran to access $10 billion in frozen funds held in Iraq. 

The waiver would extend the multibillion-dollar sanctions relief first issued in July that expires tomorrow. It allows Iraq to transfer frozen electricity payments into Iranian-owned bank accounts in Europe and Oman. The waiver renewal is driving concerns that the Biden administration is maintaining financial avenues for Tehran as the country’s terrorist proxies foment chaos across the Middle East.

"The world is living in a post-Oct. 7 world, but the White House is still running an Oct. 6 policy toward Iran," Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and sanctions expert who previously served on the White House National Security Council, told the Washington Free Beacon, referring to Hamas’s attack last month. "Why should Iran have any access to more than $10 billion after sponsoring one of the worst terrorist attacks against American citizens and the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust? It would make more sense to freeze all of these accounts and keep every penny out of Tehran's hands."


This, despite U.S. forces or assets being attacked by Iranian proxies at least 52 times since October 17. 

Not to mention that this could help their nuke drive, they wish "Death to America," and they sponsor other terrorism besides Hamas. 

What is this obsession with giving them money and empowering our enemies? 

State Department spokesperson Matt Miller was asked about it on Monday during the press briefing.

Miller declined to answer the question. 

Notice what he doesn't do is deny it or even say, "That's ridiculous, no way." 


So that's probably a big clue that this is likely true.


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