Biden Runs Into Trouble With His Notes During Meeting, Tells Bizarre Story About 'Uncle Frank'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

As RedState reported, Joe Biden gave a speech asking for more money for Israel and Ukraine, as well as aid for the people of Gaza, on Thursday night. He's heading off to a campaign reception and then he's bailing for the beach late Friday while Americans and Israelis are still being held hostage by Hamas, and while our forces are being attacked in the Middle East.


It's a bad look to say the least, although we got some good news that Hamas had reportedly released two hostages. It's not clear what was involved in that release, although the Hamas statement mentioned the intercession of the Qataris. 

Biden did have one "work" event scheduled on Friday — a meeting with President Charles Michel of the European Council and President Ursula von der Leyen of the European Commission for the U.S.-EU Summit.

However, it didn't start well when he couldn't get his essential notes in order. He can't even make simple perfunctory remarks without detailed notes. But when they got stuck together, he was fumbling. 

If the script gets stuck together, he's in trouble. He doesn't know what to do so he just starts filling in with blather. 

And when Biden goes off script, that's when he gets into trouble. 

He went off again when he told the story of his "Uncle Frank," and about how he gave him the Purple Heart. 


But there's no evidence that this story is true or that Biden's Uncle Frank ever received the Purple Heart. Moreover, the White House has never provided any evidence to support this story, when asked. There's simply no evidence that it ever happened. "We couldn’t find any record that Frank Biden was awarded a Purple Heart, either while he was alive or posthumously," says Fact Check.

You can hear the people in the meeting react to the story. How will they react if they find out that what Biden said to them isn't supported by the evidence? And that's one of the big problems with him — we have a loose cannon sitting in the seat of power. How many times has he said things like this now? And what must these leaders think of him? 


Then, of course, at the end of the meeting, Biden didn't take any questions from reporters — who likely would have had a lot to ask about the Israeli war and the hostages still being held by Hamas. 


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